A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z _


CACHE_BLOCK_REPLY - Static variable in class ostore.util.DebugFlags
CACHE_BLOCK_REQUEST - Static variable in class ostore.util.DebugFlags
cache_contains(CacheableIdentity) - Method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
cache_contains returns true if the cache contains the item labeled by the CacheableIdentity; false, otherwise.
CACHE_DB - Static variable in class ostore.util.DebugFlags
CACHE_DEBUG_ON - Static variable in class ostore.util.DebugFlags
CACHE_MANAGER - Static variable in class ostore.util.DebugFlags
CACHE_TO_DISK - Static variable in class ostore.util.DebugFlags
CACHE_UNTIL - Static variable in class ostore.client.OSActionSetMetadata
Cacheable - interface ostore.cache.Cacheable.
CacheableHandle - class ostore.cache.CacheableHandle.
Handle to an object stored in the cache.
CacheableIdentity - class ostore.cache.CacheableIdentity.
CacheableIdentity() - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheableIdentity
Create a CacheableIdentity for a specific object.
CacheableIdentity(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheableIdentity
Constructs a CacheableIdentity from its serialized form.
CacheableIdentity(int[], Object[]) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheableIdentity
Create a CacheableIdentity for a specific object which has multiple types.
CacheableIdentity(int, Object) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheableIdentity
Create a CacheableIdentity for a specific object of a given type.
CacheableIdentity(VID) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheableIdentity
Create a CacheableIdentity for an object named by a VID.
CacheablePinned - class ostore.cache.CacheablePinned.
CacheAssignReply - class ostore.cache.CacheAssignReply.
A response sent for a CacheAssignRequest.
CacheAssignReply(boolean[], CacheablePinned[], CacheableIdentity[], Cacheable[], SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheAssignReply
Creates a request to assign a single handle.
CacheAssignRequest - class ostore.cache.CacheAssignRequest.
A request to the cache to assign an identity and/or cacheable to some pins.
CacheAssignRequest(CacheablePinned[], CacheableIdentity[], Cacheable[], SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheAssignRequest
Creates a request to unpin several handles.
CacheAssignRequest(CacheablePinned, CacheableIdentity, Cacheable, SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheAssignRequest
Creates a request to assign a single handle.
CacheBlockReplyMessage - class ostore.cache.CacheBlockReplyMessage.
CacheBlockRequestMessage - class ostore.cache.CacheBlockRequestMessage.
CacheBlockRequestMessage(CacheableIdentity, boolean, boolean, SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheBlockRequestMessage
CacheBlockRequestMessage(CacheableIdentity, boolean, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheBlockRequestMessage
ask the cache for a handle to the block with id
CacheBlockRequestMessage(CacheableIdentity, boolean, SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheBlockRequestMessage
CacheBlockRequestMessage(CacheableIdentity, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheBlockRequestMessage
ask the cache for a handle to the block with id
CacheBlockRequestMessage(CacheMissException, boolean, boolean, SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheBlockRequestMessage
CacheBlockRequestMessage(CacheMissException, boolean, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheBlockRequestMessage
CacheBlockRequestMessage(CacheMissException, boolean, SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheBlockRequestMessage
CacheBlockRequestMessage(CacheMissException, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheBlockRequestMessage
CacheDeleteConfirm - class ostore.cache.CacheDeleteConfirm.
CacheDeleteItem - class ostore.cache.CacheDeleteItem.
CacheDeleteItem(CacheableIdentity, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheDeleteItem
CacheException - exception ostore.cache.CacheException.
CacheFullException - exception ostore.cache.CacheFullException.
CacheInsertDone - class ostore.cache.CacheInsertDone.
CacheInsertMessage - class ostore.cache.CacheInsertMessage.
CacheInsertMessage() - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheInsertMessage
CacheInsertMessage(CacheableIdentity, Cacheable, boolean, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheInsertMessage
CacheLine - class ostore.cache.CacheLine.
(toplevel) Line stored in the cache.
CacheManager - class ostore.cache.CacheManager.
CacheManager.CacheAvailable - class ostore.cache.CacheManager.CacheAvailable.
A simple class to store CacheAvailable state for a cache.
CacheManager.CacheAvailable(int[], DataCache) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheManager.CacheAvailable
Constructs a new CacheAvailable.
CacheManager() - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheManager
CacheMissException - exception ostore.cache.CacheMissException.
CacheNotify - class ostore.cache.CacheNotify.
CacheNofity is sent by the cache to indicate the current state of a cache line.
CachePinnedReply - class ostore.cache.CachePinnedReply.
CachePinnedReply.Local - class ostore.cache.CachePinnedReply.Local.
A simple class to store CachePinnedReply's to send to another local stage.
CachePinnedReply.Local(CacheableIdentity, CacheablePinned, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CachePinnedReply.Local
Constructs a new CachePinnedReply.Local.
CachePinnedRequest - class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest.
CachePinnedRequest.Local - class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest.Local.
A simple class to store CachePinnedRequest's to send to another local stage.
CachePinnedRequest.Local(CachePinnedRequest) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest.Local
Constructs a new CachePinnedRequest.Local.
CachePinnedRequest() - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest
create an empty request message
CachePinnedRequest(CacheableIdentity, boolean, boolean, SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest
ask the cache for a handle to the block with id
CachePinnedRequest(CacheableIdentity, boolean, boolean, SecureHash, Object, SinkIF) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest
ask the cache for a handle to the block with id
CachePinnedRequest(CacheableIdentity, boolean, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest
ask the cache for a handle to the block with id
CachePinnedRequest(CacheableIdentity, boolean, SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest
ask the cache for a handle to the block with id
CachePinnedRequest(CacheableIdentity, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest
ask the cache for a handle to the block with id
CachePinnedRequest(CacheMissException, boolean, boolean, SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest
ask the cache for a handle to the block with id
CachePolicy - interface ostore.cache.CachePolicy.
CachePolicy.Line - class ostore.cache.CachePolicy.Line.
Opaque type used to reference line in cache.
CachePolicy.Line(boolean) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CachePolicy.Line
Constructs a new CachePolicy.Line.
CacheReserveSpaceDone - class ostore.cache.CacheReserveSpaceDone.
CacheReserveSpaceMessage - class ostore.cache.CacheReserveSpaceMessage.
CacheReserveSpaceMessage(CacheFullException, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheReserveSpaceMessage
request to reserve space bytes in the cache.
CacheReserveSpaceMessage(int[], int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheReserveSpaceMessage
CacheReserveSpaceMessage(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheReserveSpaceMessage
CacheReserveSpaceMessage(int, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheReserveSpaceMessage
request to reserve space bytes in the cache.
CacheToDisk - class ostore.cache.CacheToDisk.
Disk Interface - Read and Write using Simple Java I/O.
CacheToDisk(String, NodeId) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheToDisk
cacheType - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager.GetBlockCompleted
cacheType - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager.PutBlockCompleted
cacheType - Variable in class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest.Local
cacheType - Variable in class ostore.cache.CacheAssignRequest
The type of cache.
cacheType - Variable in class ostore.cache.CacheUnpinRequest
cacheType of cache that needs to be used to respond to request.
cacheType - Variable in class ostore.cache.CacheReserveSpaceMessage
return the cacheType of cache that needs to be used to respond to request.
cacheType - Variable in class ostore.cache.CachePinnedRequest
cacheType - Variable in class ostore.cache.CacheInsertMessage
cacheType - Variable in class ostore.cache.CacheDeleteItem
cacheType - Variable in class ostore.cache.CacheBlockRequestMessage
CacheUnpinRequest - class ostore.cache.CacheUnpinRequest.
A request to the MemoryCache to release some pins.
CacheUnpinRequest(CacheablePinned[], int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheUnpinRequest
Creates a request to unpin several handles.
CacheUnpinRequest(CacheablePinned, int) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CacheUnpinRequest
Creates a request to unpin a single handle.
cacheVersionHandle(SecureHash, CacheablePinned) - Method in class ostore.update.VersionHandleCache
Stores a pinned cache handle for a partially modified data object.
calcBlockSize(int, int, int) - Static method in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
calcBlockSize returns the message size corresponding to the input block size.
calcBlockSize(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
returns the message size corresponding to the input block size
calcLfield(int, int, int) - Static method in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
Calculates the best Lfield for a given blockSize.
calcNsegs(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
Calculates the best Nsegs for a given blockSize.
calcStats(int, int[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class ostore.archive.Stats
Calculate the mean, stddev, and confidence interval for given data values.
calcStats(int, long, long, double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class ostore.archive.Stats
Calculate the mean, stddev, and confidence interval for given data values.
calculateHashes(byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int, int[], int, int, int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class ostore.archive.VHashTreeNativeIF
calculateHashes calculates the verification tree for the input block and fragments.
calculateHashes(FragmentBucket, Erasure, byte[], int[], byte[], int, ByteArrayInputBuffer, SecureHash, VHashTree.TreeObj[]) - Static method in class ostore.archive.VHashTree
calculateHashes calculates the inactive verification tree for the input fragments and returns the topmost hash of that tree
calculateHashes(FragmentBucket, SecureHash, SHA1NativeIF, VHashTree.TreeObj[]) - Static method in class ostore.archive.VHashTree
calculateHashes calculates the inactive verification tree for the input fragments and returns the topmost hash of that tree
callback(BtreeNode, HandleStore) - Method in class ostore.archive.TputGenerateChkptTest.RemoveGuidsHelper
callback remove child guid pointers and remove fhash from child block.
callback(BtreeNode, HandleStore) - Method in interface ostore.dataobj.Btree.Callback
During a DFS, this method is called to performs operation on a btree node.
cancel(Object) - Method in interface ostore.dispatch.Classifier.TimerCB
Cancels an event previously scheduled.
cancel(Object) - Method in class ostore.dispatch.Classifier.DefaultTimerCB
cancel(Object) - Method in class ostore.dispatch.Signal
Cancel an AlarmSignal scheduled by alarm.
cancel(Object) - Method in class ostore.dispatch.Resender
Cancels the specified event.
cancel(Object) - Method in class ostore.dispatch.Classifier
Cancels an event previously scheduled by dispatch_later.
canDecode() - Method in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
Determine if we can decode this bucket's object.
canDecode() - Method in interface ostore.archive.DisseminatableBucket
Determine if we can decode this bucket's object.
capacity() - Method in class ostore.util.LruMap
capacity returns max capacity for the LruMap.
capacity() - Method in class ostore.util.PriorityQueue
returns the current capacity of the heap.
capacityIncrement - Variable in class ostore.util.QSVector
The number of elements by which to grow the storage array when necessary.
Carp - class ostore.util.Carp.
A convenience class for dying and generating error messages, complete with "carp" and "croak", borrowed from PERL.
Carp() - Constructor for class ostore.util.Carp
carp(String) - Static method in class ostore.util.Carp
Print a message to standard error.
carp(Throwable) - Static method in class ostore.util.Carp
Print an exception's message to standard error.
CastOutException - exception ostore.cache.CastOutException.
Thrown when an element has been kicked out of the cache
CastOutException(String) - Constructor for class ostore.cache.CastOutException
Cauchy - class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy.
This class extends class Erasure.
cauchy_decode_using_c_helper(int[], int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class ostore.archive.cauchy.NativeIF
decode uses the cauchy erasure coding method to decode an array of fragments back into a msg.
cauchy_encode_and_verify_using_c_helper(byte[], int, int, int, int, int[], int[], byte[], int[], byte[]) - Static method in class ostore.archive.cauchy.NativeIF
encode uses the cauchy erasure encoding method to encode a message into fragments.
cauchy_encode_using_c_helper(byte[], int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class ostore.archive.cauchy.NativeIF
encode uses the cauchy erasure encoding method to encode a message into fragments.
Cauchy(int, int, int, boolean, NodeId) - Constructor for class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
CauchyDecode - class ostore.archive.cauchy.CauchyDecode.
CauchyEncode decodes a msg that was previously encoded using Cauchy Reed-Solomon method.
CauchyDecode() - Constructor for class ostore.archive.cauchy.CauchyDecode
CauchyEncode - class ostore.archive.cauchy.CauchyEncode.
CauchyEncode erasure encodes an object using cauchy reed solomon method.
CauchyEncode() - Constructor for class ostore.archive.cauchy.CauchyEncode
CERTIFIED_STATE - Static variable in class ostore.agree.AgreementState
cheap_need_space(int) - Method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
Returns true if space has been acquired.
check_cache_type(CacheableIdentity, boolean, QueueElementIF) - Method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
check_cache_type(CacheableIdentity, int, boolean, QueueElementIF) - Method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
check_cache_type(int, boolean, QueueElementIF) - Method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
check() - Method in class ostore.util.PriorityQueue
checkDHVerify(QuickSerializable, QSByteArray, DHMessage, PartyInfo) - Method in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
child - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeCloseMsgAck
child - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeGroupMsgAck
childIsTemp(int, HandleStore) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
choose_segments(int) - Method in class ostore.introspect.SemanticDistanceModel
choose_segments(int) - Method in interface ostore.oil.SegmentedModel
Selects the most-relevant num segments to retain, discarding all others.
choose_segments(int) - Method in class ostore.oil.HMM
Selects the num most relevant Segments, discarding the rest.
chooseParent(QTree.EvalPotParents) - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTree
ci_to_diss(CacheableIdentity) - Static method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
ci_to_guid(CacheableIdentity) - Static method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
ci_to_vhash(CacheableIdentity) - Static method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
ci_to_vid(CacheableIdentity) - Static method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
idToVid converts a CacheableIdentity to a VID.
class_tag - Static variable in class ostore.introspect.SDMBuilderTest
class_tag - Static variable in class ostore.introspect.SemanticDistanceModel.Table
class_tag - Static variable in class ostore.introspect.SDMBuilder
class_tag - Static variable in class ostore.introspect.SemanticDistanceModel
class_tag - Static variable in class ostore.oil.HMMStage
classifier - Variable in class ostore.archive.TputGenerateFragsTest
classifier - Variable in class ostore.archive.TputGenerateChkptTest
classifier - Variable in class ostore.archive.LatGenerateFragsTest
classifier - Variable in class ostore.archive.LatGenerateChkptTest
classifier - Variable in class ostore.network.TputTest
classifier - Variable in class ostore.network.LatTest
classifier - Variable in class ostore.oil.HMMStage
classifier - Variable in class ostore.util.StandardStage
Classifier - class ostore.dispatch.Classifier.
The event classification engine for an Oceanstore replica.
Classifier.DefaultTimerCB - class ostore.dispatch.Classifier.DefaultTimerCB.
The default implementation of TimerCB, which uses seda.sandStorm.core.ssTimers to store and trigger events.
Classifier.DefaultTimerCB(SinkIF) - Constructor for class ostore.dispatch.Classifier.DefaultTimerCB
Creates a new DefaultTimerCB which will enqueue events onto a specified sink
Classifier.SlowLink - class ostore.dispatch.Classifier.SlowLink.
Records information used to delay events sent from one named stage to another.
Classifier.SlowLink(String, String, long) - Constructor for class ostore.dispatch.Classifier.SlowLink
Creates a new SlowLink.
Classifier.TimerCB - interface ostore.dispatch.Classifier.TimerCB.
A Simple callback interface for timers.
Classifier(NodeId) - Constructor for class ostore.dispatch.Classifier
Create a new Classifier object.
clear_overall_result_digest(int) - Method in class ostore.agree.AgreementState
clear() - Method in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
clears internal data structures.
clear() - Method in interface ostore.archive.DisseminatableBucket
clear frees internal data structures that can be garbage collected.
clear() - Method in class ostore.introspect.SemanticDistanceModel
clear() - Method in class ostore.oil.Screen
clear() - Method in interface ostore.oil.Model
Forget all observations recorded since the last call to clear or recalculate.
clear() - Method in class ostore.oil.HMM
clear() - Method in class ostore.oil.Array
Removes all elements from this Array.
clear() - Method in class ostore.util.QSHashMap
Removes all mappings from this set.
clear() - Method in class ostore.util.QSWindow
Forget about all elements currently in the window.
clear() - Method in class ostore.util.QSVector
Removes all of the elements from this Vector.
clear() - Method in class ostore.util.QSTreeSet
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class ostore.util.IntHashtable
Clears this hashtable so that it contains no keys.
clear() - Method in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminateFragMsg.Local
clear DisseminateFragMsg.Local.
clear() - Method in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminateFragAckMsg.Local
clear DisseminateFragAckMsg.Local.
clear(boolean) - Method in class ostore.dispatch.Resender
Cancels all events which have timed out.
clear(int) - Method in class ostore.introspect.SemanticDistanceModel
clear(int) - Method in class ostore.oil.Screen
clear(int) - Method in interface ostore.oil.Model
Forget the least-recent recorded observations.
clear(int) - Method in class ostore.oil.HMM
clear(int) - Method in class ostore.util.QSWindow
Forget about a certain number of the least-recently added data.
ClearBandwidthCountsReq - class ostore.network.ClearBandwidthCountsReq.
ClearBandwidthCountsReq(Object) - Constructor for class ostore.network.ClearBandwidthCountsReq
ClearBandwidthCountsResp - class ostore.network.ClearBandwidthCountsResp.
ClearBandwidthCountsResp(Object) - Constructor for class ostore.network.ClearBandwidthCountsResp
client - Variable in class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReq
client_closed - Variable in class ostore.network.MultiplexedNetwork.ConnectionState
client_conn - Variable in class ostore.network.MultiplexedNetwork.ConnectionState
client_is - Variable in class ostore.network.MultiplexedNetwork.ConnectionState
client_req() - Method in class ostore.rp.ObjectCreateReq
CLIENT_STAGE - Static variable in class ostore.util.StageId
client_timestamp - Variable in class ostore.inner.LatestHeartbeatResp
ClientCryptModule - class ostore.client.ClientCryptModule.
ClientCryptModule() - Constructor for class ostore.client.ClientCryptModule
ClientSignatureReq - class ostore.replica.ClientSignatureReq.
A request sent from the ReplicaStage to the ClientStage, requesting that the latter sign and dispatch a message on behalf of a client.
ClientSignatureReq(SecureHash, QSDate, SecureHash) - Constructor for class ostore.replica.ClientSignatureReq
Constructs a ClientSignatureReq for a LatestHeartbeatReqMsg.
ClientStage - class ostore.client.ClientStage.
The ClientStage serves as the main translator between application code which speaks using the application programmer interfaces and the OceanStore system code which speaks using OceanStores internal messages.
ClientStage() - Constructor for class ostore.client.ClientStage
Clock - class ostore.util.Clock.
Clock.ClockCB - interface ostore.util.Clock.ClockCB.
Clock.DefaultClockCB - class ostore.util.Clock.DefaultClockCB.
Clock.DefaultClockCB() - Constructor for class ostore.util.Clock.DefaultClockCB
Clock() - Constructor for class ostore.util.Clock
ClockAlgorithm - class ostore.cache.ClockAlgorithm.
ClockAlgorithm() - Constructor for class ostore.cache.ClockAlgorithm
clone() - Method in class ostore.archive.Fragment
clone() - Method in interface ostore.archive.Disseminatable
This is the clone routine for Disseminatable.
clone() - Method in class ostore.client.OSRequest
Clone this request.
clone() - Method in class ostore.dispatch.TrieRoot
Performs a deeper copy than Object.clone would.
clone() - Method in class ostore.dispatch.TrieNode
Performs a deeper copy than Object.clone would.
clone() - Method in class ostore.network.TputTest.Msg
clone() - Method in class ostore.network.SimpleTest.Msg
clone() - Method in class ostore.network.LatTest.Msg
clone() - Method in class ostore.network.AuthenticationMsg
clone() - Method in class ostore.network.NetworkMessage
clone() - Method in class ostore.network.NetworkInputBuffer
clone() - Method in class ostore.oil.Matrix
Performs a slightly deeper copy than Object.clone.
clone() - Method in class ostore.oil.Array
Performs a slightly deeper copy than Object.clone.
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.IntHashtable.IntHashtableEntry
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.NonceAckMsg
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.QSClone.QSCloneBuffer
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.SHA1Hash
Create an exact copy of this hash
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.QSVector
Create an exact copy of this hash
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.QSTreeSet
Create an exact copy of this QSTreeSet
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.QSLong
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.QSInt
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.QSByteArray
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.QSBool
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.QSArray
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.NodeId
Create an exact copy of this NodeId
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.IntHashtable
Creates a shallow copy of this hashtable.
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.InputBufferImpl
clone() - Method in interface ostore.util.InputBuffer
Buffers must support clone such that the read pointer on a cloned buffer is independent of the original.
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.FromBytesInputBuffer
clone() - Method in class ostore.util.ByteArrayInputBuffer
clone() - Method in interface ostore.util.SecureHash
This is the clone routine for Fragment.
clone() - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.api.QTreeUp
clone() - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.api.QTreeDown
clone() - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.Epoch
clonePin() - Method in class ostore.cache.CacheablePinned
CLOSE - Static variable in class ostore.apps.traces.TraceIterator
CLOSE - Static variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.api.QTreeStateMsg
CLOSE - Static variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeGroupMsgAck
close_client() - Method in class ostore.network.MultiplexedNetwork.ConnectionState
close_me - Variable in class ostore.network.MultiplexedNetwork
Connections which we want to close.
close_server() - Method in class ostore.network.MultiplexedNetwork.ConnectionState
closeChild(TreeKey, NodeId) - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTree
CloseConnectionMsg - class ostore.network.CloseConnectionMsg.
A message sent between Network stages to request/confirm the flushing and closing of a connection.
CloseConnectionMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.network.CloseConnectionMsg
CloseConnectionMsg(NodeId, NodeId) - Constructor for class ostore.network.CloseConnectionMsg
CLOSED - Static variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTree
CloseLocalPortMsg - class ostore.network.CloseLocalPortMsg.
A message sent to the (YA)Network stage, telling it to stop listening on a certain port.
CloseLocalPortMsg(int) - Constructor for class ostore.network.CloseLocalPortMsg
closeParent(TreeKey, NodeId) - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTree
code - Variable in class ostore.apps.traces.TraceClient.LocateMasterMsg
COLBIT - Static variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.InitField
CollectorStage - class ostore.introspect.CollectorStage.
CollectorStage watches for events of certain type.
CollectorStage() - Constructor for class ostore.introspect.CollectorStage
collectSinks(QueueElementIF, HashMap) - Method in class ostore.dispatch.TrieNode
Recursively find all TrieNodes which pass the specified event, collecting all the SinkIFs subscribed at each node.
commit_count - Variable in class ostore.agree.AgreementState
commit(DataCache) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject
commit(HandleStore, DataCache) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree
CommitMsg - class ostore.agree.CommitMsg.
CommitMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.agree.CommitMsg
CommitMsg(SecureHash, SecureHash, SecureHash, QSDate, long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ostore.agree.CommitMsg
commits - Variable in class ostore.agree.AgreementState
The req_digests/timestamps received in CommitMsgs from other replicas.
COMMITTED_STATE - Static variable in class ostore.agree.AgreementState
comp_q - Variable in class ostore.network.NetworkLatencyReq
comp_q - Variable in class ostore.network.NetworkMessage
A completion queue to enqueue a success or failure on after this message is successfully acknowledged or times out tries times, respectively; the enqueued object will be of type NetworkMessageResult; if this field is null, no event will be enqueued.
comparator() - Method in class ostore.util.QSTreeSet
Returns the comparator used to order this sorted set, or null if this tree set uses its elements natural ordering.
COMPARE_MESSAGES - Static variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
This determines if messages are compared after having been decoded in Reconstructor...for debuggin purposes only.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class ostore.introspect.SemanticDistanceModel.BoundedPrioQueue.TupleComparator
compareMsg(int[], int[]) - Method in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
compareMsg compares the original msg with the encoded/decoded message.
compareMsg(int[], int[], int) - Method in class ostore.archive.Erasure
compareMsg compares the original msg with the encoded/decoded message.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.SHA1HashKey
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.LongKey
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.inner.Heartbeat
Compares this Heartbeat to another.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.introspect.SimpleRealTime.Distance
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.introspect.RecordEventReq.EventId
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.introspect.Distance.InfiniteDistance
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.introspect.Time.NeverTime
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.introspect.SimpleRealTime
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.util.VID
Imposes an order on VIDs.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.util.SHA1Hash
This routine compares this SHA1Hash to another Object
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.util.QSString
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.util.NodeId
Specified by the Comparable interface.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.Epoch
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.TreeKey
compareTo(SafeBigInt) - Method in class ostore.security.SafeBigInt
compile() - Method in class ostore.client.OSVPVersionId
compile() - Method in class ostore.client.OSVPTimed
compile() - Method in class ostore.client.OSVPOnNode
compile() - Method in class ostore.client.OSVPLatest
compile() - Method in class ostore.client.OSVPFresh
completion_queue - Variable in class ostore.agree.SignatureStage.ThresholdSignatureRequest
CompositeSelection - class ostore.dataobj.CompositeSelection.
A set of Selections; similar to iovecs used in scatter/gather system calls.
CompositeSelection(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.dataobj.CompositeSelection
Creates a CompositeSelection from its QuickSerializable form.
CompositeSelection(Selection[]) - Constructor for class ostore.dataobj.CompositeSelection
Creates a CompositeSelection
compute_root(QSArray) - Static method in class ostore.security.SignedQSTree
compute_tree(QSArray) - Static method in class ostore.security.SignedQSTree
computeGuid() - Method in class ostore.archive.Fragment
computeGuid() - Method in interface ostore.archive.Disseminatable
computeGuid Compute and return the guid of the disseminatable.
computeGuid() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject.DataBlock
computeGuid() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
computeGuid() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject
computeGuid() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree
computeGuid() - Method in interface ostore.util.VerifiableBlock
Compute and return the guid of the object.
computeGuid(SecureHashBuffer) - Method in class ostore.archive.Fragment
computeGuid(SecureHashBuffer) - Method in interface ostore.archive.Disseminatable
computeGuid Compute and return the guid of the disseminatable.
computeMemoryRequirement(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
computMemoryRequirement computes the memory requirement for a single disseminatable.
computeMemoryRequirement(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ostore.archive.Fragment
computMemoryRequirement computes the memory requirement for a single disseminatable.
computeVhash() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject.DataBlock
computeVhash() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
computeVhash() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject
computeVhash() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree
computeVhash() - Method in interface ostore.util.VerifiableBlock
Compute and return the verification hash of the object.
concatenateHashes(SHA1Hash, SHA1Hash, byte[]) - Static method in class ostore.util.SHA1Hash
This routine concatenates two hashes and stores the result in the input byte array.
conn_to_connstate - Variable in class ostore.network.MultiplexedNetwork
Maps ATcpConnection objects to ConnectionState objects;
CONNECTION - Static variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.api.QTreeStateMsg
ConnectionStream - class ostore.network.ConnectionStream.
Used by the network in place of an aSocketInputStream.
ConnectionStream() - Constructor for class ostore.network.ConnectionStream
considerAdoption(QTreeGroupMsg) - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTree
CONSTRAINT_ANY - Static variable in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminationSetPredicate
CONSTRAINT_DISTINCT - Static variable in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminationSetPredicate
CONSTRAINT_NONE - Static variable in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminationSetPredicate
CONSTRAINT_SAME - Static variable in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminationSetPredicate
CONSTRAINT_SPREAD - Static variable in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminationSetPredicate
CONSTRAINT_STRING - Static variable in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminationSetPredicate
contactCandidateOrphan(GuidAddr, TreeKey, int, QSVector) - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTree
contains(Object) - Method in class ostore.archive.RequestFragQueryState
Tests whether the set already contains the specified backpointer.
contains(Object) - Method in class ostore.util.IntHashtable
Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable.
contains(QuickSerializable) - Method in class ostore.oil.Matrix
Shows whether the specified ID is explicitly stored in this Matrix.
contains(QuickSerializable) - Method in class ostore.oil.Array
Shows whether the specified ID is explicitly stored in this Array.
contains(QuickSerializable) - Method in class ostore.util.QSVector
Tests if the specified QuickSerializable object is a component in this vector.
contains(QuickSerializable) - Method in class ostore.util.QSTreeSet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
contains(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.inner.InnerRingQueryState
contains(Selection) - Method in interface ostore.dataobj.Selection
Tests for inclusion with other Selection.
contains(Selection) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Range
contains(Selection) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.KeyedSelection
contains(Selection) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.CompositeSelection
contains(Selection) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.All
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class ostore.util.QSTreeSet
Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
containsAll(QSTreeSet) - Method in class ostore.util.QSTreeSet
containsKey(int) - Method in class ostore.util.IntHashtable
Tests if the specified object is a key in this hashtable.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class ostore.util.LruMap
Specified by java.util.Map
containsKey(Object) - Method in class ostore.util.MultiMap
containsKey(QuickSerializable) - Method in class ostore.util.QSHashMap
Returns true if this map contains the specified key.
containsValue(QuickSerializable) - Method in class ostore.util.QSHashMap
Returns true if this map contains the specified value.
content - Variable in class ostore.dtree.UpDTreeMsg
The content to send up the tree.
content - Variable in class ostore.dtree.DownDTreeMsg
The content to send down the tree.
content - Variable in class ostore.dtree.DTreeMsg
The message to send.
content - Variable in class ostore.dtree.DTreeLocateMsg
The message to send.
ContinuousModel - interface ostore.introspect.ContinuousModel.
An interface for introspective models which take into account the continuous time sequence in which events arrive.
convertToBytes(byte[][], int[][]) - Method in class ostore.network.NetworkInputBuffer
convertToBytes(byte[][], int[][]) - Method in class ostore.util.FromBytesInputBuffer
copy() - Method in class ostore.cache.CacheableIdentity
makes a new copy of an existing CacheableIdentity
copyChild(int, int) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
copyKey(int, int) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
count - Variable in class ostore.dataobj.RabinFingerprint
Get the next chunk.
count - Variable in class ostore.network.PingStage.PingReq
CountBuffer - class ostore.util.CountBuffer.
Counts the bytes in the serialized form of an object.
CountBuffer() - Constructor for class ostore.util.CountBuffer
countdown - Variable in class ostore.mac.StageTester
CREATE - Static variable in class ostore.apps.traces.TraceIterator
create_resp - Variable in class ostore.replica.ReplicaCreateResp
The result of the create, or null if the response is only tentative.
create_sig_share(KeyShare, QSArray, long) - Static method in class ostore.security.thresh.ThresholdSignedQSTree
create_sig_share(KeyShare, QuickSerializable, long) - Static method in class ostore.security.thresh.ThresholdSignedQS
CreateObjectReject - class ostore.inner.CreateObjectReject.
CreateObjectReject(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.CreateObjectReject
CreateObjectReject(SecureHash, byte, QSDate) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.CreateObjectReject
CreateObjectReq - class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReq.
CreateObjectReq(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReq
CreateObjectReq(SecureHash, RPCert) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReq
CreateObjectReq(SecureHash, RPCert, SecureHash) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReq
CreateObjectReq(SecureHash, RPCert, SecureHash, Pair) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReq
CreateObjectReqMsg - class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReqMsg.
Request to create a new object.
CreateObjectReqMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReqMsg
CreateObjectReqMsg(SecureHash, SignedQS, QSArray, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReqMsg
CreateObjectResp - class ostore.inner.CreateObjectResp.
CreateObjectResp(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.CreateObjectResp
CreateObjectResp(SecureHash, SignedQS, Heartbeat) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.CreateObjectResp
CreateObjectRespMsg - class ostore.inner.CreateObjectRespMsg.
The response to a create object request.
CreateObjectRespMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.CreateObjectRespMsg
CreateObjectRespMsg(SecureHash, SignedQS, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.CreateObjectRespMsg
CreateTreeReq - class ostore.dtree.CreateTreeReq.
Messages instructing the local DTreeNode to create a new dissemination tree, rooted here (presumably an inner ring).
CreateTreeReq(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.dtree.CreateTreeReq
Constructs a CreateTreeReq from its serialized form.
CreateTreeReq(SecureHash, SignedQS) - Constructor for class ostore.dtree.CreateTreeReq
Creates a new request for the specified tree.
CreateTreeResp - class ostore.dtree.CreateTreeResp.
Messages dispatched by a DTreeNode responding to CreateTreeReq message.
CreateTreeResp(CreateTreeReq) - Constructor for class ostore.dtree.CreateTreeResp
Creates a new (successful) CreateTreeResp.
CreateTreeResp(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.dtree.CreateTreeResp
Constructs a CreateTreeResp from its serialized form.
croak() - Static method in class ostore.util.Carp
Kill the whole jvm or throw a RuntimeException.
croak(String) - Static method in class ostore.util.Carp
Print a message to standard error and croak.
croak(Throwable) - Static method in class ostore.util.Carp
Print an exception's message to standard error and croak.
current_date() - Method in class ostore.inner.FakeInner
current_date(NodeId) - Static method in class ostore.util.Clock
current_view - Variable in class ostore.agree.RingState
The current view.

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