A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z _


i - Variable in class ostore.util.QSBigInteger
id - Variable in class ostore.agree.SignatureStage.ThresholdSignatureResponse
id - Variable in class ostore.agree.SignatureStage.ThresholdSignatureRequest
id - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager.GetBlock
id - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager.PutBlock
May be null.
id - Variable in class ostore.cache.CacheLine
id which indicates how to store the object in the cache
id - Variable in class ostore.mac.MacResponse
id - Variable in class ostore.mac.MacRequest
id - Variable in class ostore.oil.SegmentPager.ReverseRequest
The unique identifier for some Segment entry.
id - Variable in class ostore.oil.SegmentPager.Request
The unique identifier for the requested Segment
id - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeDownMsgAck
id - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeUpMsgAck
id - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeDownMsg
id - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeUpMsg
id() - Method in class ostore.introspect.RecordEventReq
Get the id of the event.
id() - Method in class ostore.introspect.SemanticDistanceModel.Segment
id() - Method in class ostore.oil.HMM.Segment
id() - Method in interface ostore.oil.SegmentedModel.Segment
Returns the unique ID for this Segment.
id() - Method in class ostore.replica.RemoteReplicaProbe
id() - Method in class ostore.replica.RemoteReplicaOpenReq
ident - Variable in class ostore.introspect.SDMBuilder
The identifier of this model.
IdentityMessage - class ostore.network.IdentityMessage.
IdentityMessage(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.network.IdentityMessage
IdentityMessage(NodeId, LinkedList) - Constructor for class ostore.network.IdentityMessage
IdentityMessage(NodeId, NodeId) - Constructor for class ostore.network.IdentityMessage
ids_represented - Variable in class ostore.network.MultiplexedNetwork.ConnectionState
ids() - Method in class ostore.oil.Matrix
Returns an Iterator over the IDs stored explicitly in this Matrix.
ids() - Method in class ostore.oil.Array
Returns an Iterator over the IDs stored explicitly in this Array.
idString() - Method in class ostore.mac.MacHandler
Id String
idString() - Method in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
ignore_local_replica - Static variable in class ostore.replica.ReplicaStage
HACK - nullify latency benefits of caching heartbeats locally.
in_clock() - Method in class ostore.cache.CachePolicy.Line
in_window(long) - Method in class ostore.agree.RingState
Is the given sequence number allowable, given the currently active agreements?
inb_msg_types - Variable in class ostore.util.StandardStage
inbound - Variable in class ostore.network.NetworkMessage
inbound - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.api.QTreeUp
inbound - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.api.QTreeDown
inbound_bw - Variable in class ostore.network.Network
incrCodeHandlerTimeSquareSum(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeSquareSum increment the total squared sum time coding the current object.
incrCodeHandlerTimeSum(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeSum increment the total sum time coding the current object.
incrCodeMethodTimeSquareSum(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeSquareSum increment the total squared sum time coding the current object.
incrCodeMethodTimeSum(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeSum increment the total sum time coding the current object.
incrCodeTimeCount() - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeCount increment the total count of coding times summed by one.
incrCodeTimeCount(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeCount increment the total count of times summed together by count.
incrCodeTimeSquareSum(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeSquareSum increment the total squared sum time coding the current object.
incrCodeTimeSum(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeSum increment the total sum time coding the current object.
incrCodeTotalTimeSquareSum(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeSquareSum increment the total squared sum time coding the current object.
incrCodeTotalTimeSum(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeSum increment the total sum time coding the current object.
incrCodeVHashTreeTimeSquareSum(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeSquareSum increment the total squared sum time coding the current object.
incrCodeVHashTreeTimeSum(long) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrCodeTimeSum increment the total sum time coding the current object.
incrementUsed() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
incrNackCount() - Method in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
incrNackCount increments the NACK count.
incrNackCount() - Method in interface ostore.archive.DisseminatableBucket
incrNackCount increments the NACK count.
incrTotalBlockSizes(int) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrTotalBlockSizes add the size to the total block size of the archival or recoalescing process.
incrTotalDisseminateSizes(int) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrTotalDisseminateSizes add the size to the total disseminate size of the archival or recoalescing process.
incrTotalErasureBlockSizes(int) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiveObjBucket
incrTotalErasureBlockSizes add the size to the total erasure block of the archival or recoalescing process.
index - Variable in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminateFragMsg
index of disseminatables.
index - Variable in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminateFragAckMsg
index of disseminatable being acknowledged.
INDEX_BTREE - Static variable in class ostore.dataobj.Btree
INDEXED_OBJECT - Static variable in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject
A constant to refer to the type of DataObject's that include an index.
indexOffset - Static variable in class ostore.archive.Fragment
Offset of index in the _data field.
INFINITE - Static variable in class ostore.dataobj.Range
A value for length indicating that the remainder of the byte array should be included in this Range.
INFINITY - Static variable in interface ostore.introspect.Distance
Distance representing infinite distance.
INIT - Static variable in class ostore.dispatch.Signal
The code for StagesInitializedSignal.
init_block() - Method in class ostore.archive.TputGenerateFragsTest
init_block() - Method in class ostore.archive.LatGenerateFragsTest
INIT_CODE_CLUSTERING - Static variable in class ostore.oil.HMM
Initialize HMM with priors which are useful for a clustering application.
init_object(int) - Method in class ostore.archive.TputGenerateChkptTest
init_object(int) - Method in class ostore.archive.LatGenerateChkptTest
INIT_STATE - Static variable in class ostore.agree.AgreementState
INIT_TRANSITIONS_CLUSTER - Static variable in class ostore.oil.HMM
Use random transition priors, but weight self-transitions heavily.
INIT_TRANSITIONS_RANDOM - Static variable in class ostore.oil.HMM
Use random transition priors.
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.agree.ThresholdByzantine
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.agree.SignatureStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.GenerateFragsStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.UpdateVerifiableBlocksStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.TputGenerateFragsTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.TputGenerateChkptTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.RequestorStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.RecoalesceBlkStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.LatGenerateFragsTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.LatGenerateChkptTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.GenerateChkptStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.FakeRequestorDisseminatorStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchiverStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.ArchivalStorageStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.cache.CacheManager
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.cache.StorageManagerTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.cache.MemoryCacheTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.cache.MemoryCache
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.client.ClientStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.client.FakeClient
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.dtree.Test
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.dtree.DTreeNode
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.inner.FakeInner
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.inner.Test
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.inner.InitialUpdateTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.introspect.SDMBuilderTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.introspect.SDMBuilder
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.introspect.CollectorStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.mac.TestStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.mac.StageTester
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.mac.MacHandler
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.network.PingStage.TestHarness
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.network.YANetwork
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.network.TputTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.network.SimpleTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.network.PingStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.network.Network
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.network.MultiplexedNetwork
Set things up.
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.network.LatTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.network.ADns
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.oil.TraceReader
Specified by EventHandlerIF
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.oil.SegmentPager
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.oil.HMMStage
Performs stage initialization common to HMMBuilders and HMMPredictor.
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.oil.HMMPredictor
Initializes this HMMPredictor using the configuration parameters.
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.oil.HMMBuilder
Initializes this HMMBuilder using the configuration parameters.
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.oil.EventCountStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.read.ReadStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.replica.ReplicaStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.replica.ReplicaManager
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.rp.RP
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.update.UpdateStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.util.StandardStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.dissemination.SetCreatorStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminatorStage
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.OSTestBranching
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.TrafficGenerator
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.TputMicroBenchmarkMaster
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.TputMicroBenchmark
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.TapestryHowto
Initializes the stage once Sandstorm is up and running.
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.TagMicroBenchmarkControl
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.TagMicroBenchmark
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.StreamMicroBenchmarkMaster
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.StreamMicroBenchmark
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.ReplaceMicroBenchmark
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.ReadWriteTest
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.ReadTputMicroBenchmark
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.ReadLatencyMicroBenchmark
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.test.OSApplicationHowTo
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.traces.TraceClient
init(ConfigDataIF) - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTree
init(QuickSerializable, QSSignature, PrivateKey, SecureRandom, Signature) - Method in class ostore.security.SignedQS
init(QuickSerializable, SecureHash, PrivateKey, RawNativeRSASignature_PKCS1_SHA1) - Method in class ostore.security.SignedQS
InitField - class ostore.archive.cauchy.InitField.
InitField initializes the finite Field Element to Exponent (FEtoExp) table and the Exponent to finite Field Element (ExptoFE) table.
InitField() - Constructor for class ostore.archive.cauchy.InitField
initField(int[], int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class ostore.archive.cauchy.InitField
initField initializes the finite Field Element to Exponent (FEtoExp) table and the Exponent to finite Field Element (ExptoFE) table.
initial_seq - Variable in class ostore.agree.RingInitSuccess
initial_seq - Variable in class ostore.agree.RingInitFailure
initial_seq - Variable in class ostore.agree.RingInit
initial_seq - Variable in class ostore.rp.InnerRingCreateRespMsg
initial_seq - Variable in class ostore.rp.InnerRingCreateReqMsg
initial_timestamp - Variable in class ostore.agree.RingInitSuccess
initial_timestamp - Variable in class ostore.agree.RingInitFailure
initial_timestamp - Variable in class ostore.agree.RingInit
initial_timestamp - Variable in class ostore.rp.InnerRingCreateRespMsg
initial_timestamp - Variable in class ostore.rp.InnerRingCreateReqMsg
initial_update - Variable in class ostore.rp.ObjectCreateReqMsg
initial_update - Variable in class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReqMsg
initial_update_digest - Variable in class ostore.rp.CreateObjectReq
initial_vhash - Variable in class ostore.replica.ReplicaCreateResp
The VHASH of the intial version of the object.
INITIALIZE - Static variable in class ostore.mac.DHMessage
initialize() - Method in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
Initialize all class/instance variables.
initialize(int, int) - Method in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
Initialize all class/instance variables.
initializeForEncoding() - Method in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
Prepares this Cauchy object to encode a block.
InitialUpdateTest - class ostore.inner.InitialUpdateTest.
Simple regression test for transactional create/append (intial updates) for create requests.
InitialUpdateTest() - Constructor for class ostore.inner.InitialUpdateTest
initTime - Variable in class ostore.archive.Stats
INNER_FAKE_INNER - Static variable in class ostore.util.DebugFlags
INNER_STAGE - Static variable in class ostore.util.StageId
InnerBuilder - class ostore.apps.traces.InnerBuilder.
A configuration builder for inner ring nodes.
InnerBuilder(String[]) - Constructor for class ostore.apps.traces.InnerBuilder
Set global parameters.
InnerRingCreateReqMsg - class ostore.rp.InnerRingCreateReqMsg.
A certificate identifying the current members of the inner ring.
InnerRingCreateReqMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.InnerRingCreateReqMsg
InnerRingCreateReqMsg(SecureHash, long, QSDate, QSPublicKey, QSPublicKey[], KeyShare, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.InnerRingCreateReqMsg
InnerRingCreateRespMsg - class ostore.rp.InnerRingCreateRespMsg.
A certificate identifying the current members of the inner ring.
InnerRingCreateRespMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.InnerRingCreateRespMsg
InnerRingCreateRespMsg(SecureHash, long, QSDate, QSPublicKey, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.InnerRingCreateRespMsg
InnerRingKeyReqMsg - class ostore.rp.InnerRingKeyReqMsg.
InnerRingKeyReqMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.InnerRingKeyReqMsg
InnerRingKeyReqMsg(SecureHash, SecureHash, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.InnerRingKeyReqMsg
InnerRingKeyRespMsg - class ostore.rp.InnerRingKeyRespMsg.
InnerRingKeyRespMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.InnerRingKeyRespMsg
InnerRingKeyRespMsg(SecureHash, SecureHash, QSPublicKey, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ostore.rp.InnerRingKeyRespMsg
InnerRingQuery - class ostore.inner.InnerRingQuery.
InnerRingQuery() - Constructor for class ostore.inner.InnerRingQuery
InnerRingQuery(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.InnerRingQuery
InnerRingQueryState - class ostore.inner.InnerRingQueryState.
InnerRingQueryState() - Constructor for class ostore.inner.InnerRingQueryState
InnerRingQueryState(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.InnerRingQueryState
InnerRingTag - class ostore.inner.InnerRingTag.
InnerRingTag() - Constructor for class ostore.inner.InnerRingTag
InnerRingTag(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.InnerRingTag
InputBuffer - interface ostore.util.InputBuffer.
Efficient input buffer interface.
InputBufferImpl - class ostore.util.InputBufferImpl.
Implements all of the functionality of InputBuffer except nextByte and nextBytes.
InputBufferImpl() - Constructor for class ostore.util.InputBufferImpl
INS_NFS_ASCII_Iterator - class ostore.apps.traces.INS_NFS_ASCII_Iterator.
A test client that submits read requests using traces built by SURGE
INS_NFS_ASCII_Iterator(Integer, String[]) - Constructor for class ostore.apps.traces.INS_NFS_ASCII_Iterator
INS_NFS_Iterator - class ostore.apps.traces.INS_NFS_Iterator.
A test client that submits read requests using traces built by SURGE
INS_NFS_Iterator(Integer, String[]) - Constructor for class ostore.apps.traces.INS_NFS_Iterator
INSERT - Static variable in class ostore.cache.CacheNotify
insert(BtreeKey, BtreeNode, HandleStore, CacheablePinned, DataCache) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree
insert(BtreeKey, BtreeNode, HandleStore, DataCache) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree
insert(CachePolicy.Line) - Method in interface ostore.cache.CachePolicy
Insert into loop and return pointer.
insert(CachePolicy.Line) - Method in class ostore.cache.ClockAlgorithm
insert(Object, long, boolean) - Method in class ostore.util.PriorityQueue
inserts an object with the given priority.
insertAction(Action, int) - Method in class ostore.update.UpdateTuple
Adds an action to this tuple at the specified location in the list of tuples.
insertVguidMapping(SecureHash, SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.update.GuidVersionMap
Records a mapping from the Aguid of a data object to the Vguid of a version of that data object.
insertVhashMapping(SecureHash, SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.update.GuidVersionMap
Records a mapping from the Aguid of a data object to the Vhash of a version of that data object.
instance(NodeId) - Static method in class ostore.agree.Agreement
instance(NodeId) - Static method in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
instance(NodeId) - Static method in class ostore.cache.CacheToDisk
instanceRandom(NodeId) - Static method in class ostore.archive.Erasure
instanceRandom returns an instance of a Random variable.
instanceRandomContains(NodeId) - Static method in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
instanceRandomContains returns true if map of instance instance variables contains node_id, false otherwise.
instanceRandomContains(NodeId) - Static method in class ostore.archive.Erasure
instanceRandomContains returns true if map of instance instance variables contains node_id, false otherwise.
instances - Static variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
instances - Static variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
instanciate(String, NodeId) - Static method in class ostore.cache.CacheToDisk
instanciateRandom(int, NodeId) - Static method in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
instanciateRandom creates an instance of a Random associated with NodeId and instanciated with the seed.
instanciateRandom(int, NodeId) - Static method in class ostore.archive.Erasure
instanciateRandom creates an instance of a Random associated with NodeId and instanciated with the seed.
INTEGER_TYPE - Static variable in class ostore.dataobj.Metadata
These are the types of names possible for Metadata objects.
integrateFragments(int[], int[], int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
copies fragments from a smaller array of them to a larger one
integrateMessage(int[], int[], int, int, int) - Method in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
copies a message from a smaller message into a larger one in a manner specified by interIndex
INTERIM - Static variable in class ostore.read.ReplicaReadReq
A value for fault_mode instructing the ReplicaStage to return as much data as possible immediately, as with ReplicaReadReq.PARTIAL, but continue to read the remainder of the Selection automatically, as with ReplicaReadReq.FETCH_ALL.
Interleaved - class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved.
This class extends class Erasure.
Interleaved(int, int, int, int, boolean, NodeId) - Constructor for class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
internal - Variable in class ostore.dtree.JoinTreeReq
true iff this request was generated by the DTreeNode, rather than by the ReplicaStage.
internal - Variable in class ostore.replica.ReplicaOpenReq
true iff this request was generated internally, rather than by a client application.
internalGet(Object) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Metadata
Retrieve an element from Metadata
internalPut(Object, QuickSerializable) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Metadata
Insert an element into the Metadata
IntHashtable - class ostore.util.IntHashtable.
This class implements a hashtable, which maps keys to values.
IntHashtable.IntHashtableEntry - class ostore.util.IntHashtable.IntHashtableEntry.
IntHashtable.IntHashtableEntry() - Constructor for class ostore.util.IntHashtable.IntHashtableEntry
IntHashtable.KeyEnumerator - class ostore.util.IntHashtable.KeyEnumerator.
A hashtable enumerator class.
IntHashtable() - Constructor for class ostore.util.IntHashtable
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with a default capacity and load factor.
IntHashtable(int) - Constructor for class ostore.util.IntHashtable
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity and default load factor.
IntHashtable(int, float) - Constructor for class ostore.util.IntHashtable
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity and the specified load factor.
intsToBytes(byte[], int, int[], int, int) - Static method in class ostore.util.ByteUtils
Convert an array of ints into an array of bytes.
intToBytes(int, byte[], int[]) - Static method in class ostore.util.ByteUtils
Write the bytes representing i into the byte array data, starting at index offset [0], and increment offset [0] by the number of bytes written; if data == null, increment offset [0] by the number of bytes that would have been written otherwise.
intValue() - Method in class ostore.security.SafeBigInt
intValue() - Method in class ostore.util.QSInt
invalidate_sigshare(int) - Method in class ostore.agree.AgreementState
INVALIDATES_ONLY - Static variable in class ostore.replica.Replica
The value for dtree_status when this node is only partially connected to the dissemination tree.
InvalidConfigFileException - exception ostore.util.InvalidConfigFileException.
An exception caused by incorrect or incomplete config files.
InvalidConfigFileException() - Constructor for class ostore.util.InvalidConfigFileException
Constructs a new generic InvalidConfigFileException
InvalidConfigFileException(String) - Constructor for class ostore.util.InvalidConfigFileException
Constructs a InvalidConfigFileException with an arbitrary message.
InvalidConfigFileException(String, String) - Constructor for class ostore.util.InvalidConfigFileException
Constructs a new InvalidConfigFileException
inverseRate - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.GenerateFragsChkptReq
inverseRate == rate of encoding.
inverseRate - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.GenerateFragsBlkReq
inverseRate == rate of encoding.
inverseRateOffset - Static variable in class ostore.archive.Fragment
Offset of rate of encoding in the _data field.
ir_key_cert - Variable in class ostore.rp.ObjectCreateReq
IR_SIZE - Variable in class ostore.inner.InnerRingQuery
is_gap(int) - Method in class ostore.replica.Replica
Tests whether this Replica's history chain is missing a version.
is_internal() - Method in class ostore.dtree.JoinTreeReq
Returns true iff this request was generated by the DTreeNode, rather than by the ReplicaStage.
is_internal() - Method in class ostore.replica.ReplicaOpenReq
Returns true iff this request was generated internally, rather than by a client application.
is_local() - Method in class ostore.replica.ReplicaResp
Returns true if this ReplicaResp was sent from a local stage, false if it came off the network.
is_local() - Method in class ostore.replica.ReplicaReq
Returns true if this ReplicaReq was sent from a local stage, false if it came off the network.
IS_LOG - Static variable in class ostore.dataobj.Metadata
isDataInlined() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject
Reports whether the data is inlined or in a btree.
isDataNode() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject.DataBlock
isDataNode() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
isDataNode() - Method in interface ostore.dataobj.BtreeNode
isDataNode() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree
isDelayed() - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.api.QTreeStateMsg
isDelayed() - Method in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeGroupMsg
isDeleted() - Method in class ostore.cache.CacheDeleteConfirm
whether the item has successfully been deleted
isEmpty() - Method in class ostore.util.LruMap
Specified by java.util.Map
isEmpty() - Method in class ostore.util.QSHashMap
Returns true if this map contains no mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class ostore.util.QSTreeSet
Returns true if this set contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class ostore.util.IntHashtable
Tests if this hashtable maps no keys to values.
isFull() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
isFull() - Method in class ostore.util.LruMap
isFull returns true if LruMap is at full capacity; otherwise, false.
isIndexed() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject
isLeaf() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject.DataBlock
isLeaf() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
isLeaf() - Method in interface ostore.dataobj.BtreeNode
isLeaf() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree
isNull() - Method in class ostore.util.SHA1Hash
Determines if this SecureHash is a NULL hash or not.
isNull() - Method in interface ostore.util.SecureHash
Determines if this SecureHash is a NULL hash or not.
isPin() - Method in class ostore.cache.CacheInsertDone
isPinned() - Method in class ostore.cache.CacheablePinned
Checks to see if the CacheablePinned handle is still valid.
isProbablePrime(int) - Method in class ostore.security.SafeBigInt
isTemp(CacheablePinned) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.HandleStore
isTemp(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.HandleStore
isUnPinned() - Method in class ostore.cache.CacheablePinned
isValid() - Method in class ostore.dataobj.RPCert
item_pinned(int) - Method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
item_unpinned(int) - Method in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
iterator() - Method in class ostore.introspect.SemanticDistanceModel.BoundedPrioQueue
Iterator of tuples in ascending order.
iterator() - Method in class ostore.util.LruMap
iterator returns an Iterator that walks through the set of items in the Map, starting with the most recently added to the least recently used.
iterator() - Method in class ostore.util.QSTreeSet
Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z _