Class Interleaved


public class Interleaved
extends Erasure

This class extends class Erasure. Interleaved Reed-Solomon is a form of erasure codes and therefore inherits the ability to encode/decode and update an object.

$Id: Interleaved.java,v 1.11 2003/11/17 23:52:43 emilong Exp $
Hakim Weatherspoon

Field Summary
protected  Cauchy _cauchy
protected  int[] _cauchy_fragments
protected  int[] _cauchy_message
protected  int _encodeSize
          encodeSize is the max number of words in any one message encoded by Cauchy
protected  int[] _fragments
static int _headerSize
protected  int _interleaveFactor
          interleaveFactor is the number of encode fragments per dissemination fragments INV: interleaveFactor = ceil(Original Message size / encodeSize)
protected  int[] _message
protected  int _Plen
          Plen is the size in words of a dissemination fragment.
protected  int _Plentot
          Plentot is the size int words of a dissemination fragment (with index)
protected  int[] _rec_fragments
protected  int[] _rec_message
protected static boolean DEBUG
static int ENCODETYPE
Fields inherited from class ostore.archive.Erasure
_fragmentDataLength, _fragmentIndexLength, _fragmentTotalLength, _inverseRate, _node_id, _numFragments, _numMessageFragments, _numRedundantFragments, _size, _verify, sizeOfLong
Constructor Summary
Interleaved(int size, int numFragments, int rate, int encodeBytes, boolean verify, NodeId node_id)
Method Summary
static int calcBlockSize(int blockSize, int numFragments, int rate, int encodeBytes)
          returns the message size corresponding to the input block size
 void decode(int[] rec_pckts, int Nrec, int[] rec_message, byte[] data, Stats stat)
          decodes an object using an erasure code.
 void encode(byte[] bytes, int[] msg, int[] intFrags, Stats stat)
          encodes an object using an erasure code.
protected  void extractFragments(int[] eFrag, int[] dFrag, int interIndex, int eSize, int dSize, int numFrag, int headerSize)
          copies fragments from a larger array of them to a smaller one
protected  void extractMessage(int[] msg, int[] whole_msg, int interIndex, int msgSize, int partSize)
          copies a message from a larger message, starting at an offset specified by interIndex
 int fragmentDataLength()
          fragmentDataLength is the fragment length in bytes of each fragment excluding the overhead for storing the index.
 int fragmentIndexLength()
          fragmentIndexLength is the overhead for storing the index.
 int fragmentTotalLength()
          fragmentTotalLength is the fragment length in bytes including the overhead for storing the index after encoding.
 int getBlockSize(int blockSize, int numFragments, int rate)
          returns the message size corresponding to the input block size NOTE: this function assumes encodeSize has already been set
 int getEncodeType()
          returns the encode type of this Erasure coder
 int getFragmentArrayLength()
          getFragmentArrayLength returns the length of the Fragment array divisible by Erasure.sizeOfLong.
 int getMsgArrayLength()
          getMsgArrayLength returns the length of the msg array divisible by Erasure.sizeOfLong.
 int getNumFragments()
          numFragments returns the number of fragments after encoding (without loss of fragments).
protected  boolean initialize()
          Initialize all class/instance variables.
protected  void integrateFragments(int[] eFrag, int[] dFrag, int interIndex, int eSize, int dSize, int numFrag, int headerSize)
          copies fragments from a smaller array of them to a larger one
protected  void integrateMessage(int[] msg, int[] whole_msg, int interIndex, int msgSize, int partSize)
          copies a message from a smaller message into a larger one in a manner specified by interIndex
 int loseFragments(int[] fragments, int[] rec_fragments, double keepRate, int[] pNrec)
          loseFragments Decide which fragments to keep randomly.
static int min(int in1, int in2)
 int numMessageFragments()
          numMessageFragments returns the message number of fragments.
 int numRedundantFragments()
          numRedundantFragments returns the redundant number of fragments.
Methods inherited from class ostore.archive.Erasure
compareMsg, getBlockSize, getErasure, getInverseRate, getMsg, getSize, instanceRandom, instanceRandomContains, instanciateRandom
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ENCODETYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final boolean DEBUG
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected Cauchy _cauchy


protected int[] _message


protected int[] _rec_message


protected int[] _cauchy_message


protected int[] _fragments


protected int[] _rec_fragments


protected int[] _cauchy_fragments


protected int _interleaveFactor
interleaveFactor is the number of encode fragments per dissemination fragments INV: interleaveFactor = ceil(Original Message size / encodeSize)


protected int _Plen
Plen is the size in words of a dissemination fragment. INV: Plen = interleaveFactor * _cauchy.Plen


protected int _Plentot
Plentot is the size int words of a dissemination fragment (with index)


protected int _encodeSize
encodeSize is the max number of words in any one message encoded by Cauchy


public static final int _headerSize
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Interleaved(int size,
                   int numFragments,
                   int rate,
                   int encodeBytes,
                   boolean verify,
                   NodeId node_id)

size - == size (in bytes) of object to encode/decode.
numFragments - == number of fragments to generate.
rate - == rate of encoding
encodeBytes - == max number of bytes to encode using Cauchy
Method Detail


public static final int min(int in1,
                            int in2)


protected boolean initialize()
Initialize all class/instance variables. all variables are based on size of original object.


protected void extractMessage(int[] msg,
                              int[] whole_msg,
                              int interIndex,
                              int msgSize,
                              int partSize)
copies a message from a larger message, starting at an offset specified by interIndex

msg - == smaller message to be created
whole_msg - == larger message from which smaller message is taken
interIndex - == current index of interleaving
msgSize - == size, in words, of msg
partSize - == size, in words, of pieces of whole_msg NOTE: for all of whole_msg to survive, partSize <= msgSize


protected void integrateMessage(int[] msg,
                                int[] whole_msg,
                                int interIndex,
                                int msgSize,
                                int partSize)
copies a message from a smaller message into a larger one in a manner specified by interIndex

msg - == smaller message, which is the source
whole_msg - == larger message, which is the destination
interIndex - == current index of interleaving
msgSize - == size, in words, of msg
partSize - == size, in words, of pieces of whole_msg NOTE: for all of whole_msg to survive, partSize <= msgSize


protected void extractFragments(int[] eFrag,
                                int[] dFrag,
                                int interIndex,
                                int eSize,
                                int dSize,
                                int numFrag,
                                int headerSize)
copies fragments from a larger array of them to a smaller one

eFrag - == smaller array of fragments to be created
dFrag - == larger array of fragments, which is the source
interIndex - == current index of interleaving
eSize - == size, in words, of smaller fragments
dSize - == size, in words, of larger fragments
numFrag - == number of fragments to be stored in frag
headerSize - == size, in words, headers


protected void integrateFragments(int[] eFrag,
                                  int[] dFrag,
                                  int interIndex,
                                  int eSize,
                                  int dSize,
                                  int numFrag,
                                  int headerSize)
copies fragments from a smaller array of them to a larger one

eFrag - == smaller array of fragments, which is the source
dFrag - == larger array of fragments, which is the destination
interIndex - == current index of interleaving
eSize - == size, in words, of smaller fragments
dSize - == size, in words, of larger fragments
numFrag - == number of fragments to be stored in frag
headerSize - == size, in words, headers


public int getEncodeType()
returns the encode type of this Erasure coder

Specified by:
getEncodeType in class Erasure
the encode type of this Erasure coder.


public static int calcBlockSize(int blockSize,
                                int numFragments,
                                int rate,
                                int encodeBytes)
returns the message size corresponding to the input block size

blockSize - == initial block size
encodeBytes - == max encoding size
return == effective size of a block to be encoded


public int getBlockSize(int blockSize,
                        int numFragments,
                        int rate)
returns the message size corresponding to the input block size NOTE: this function assumes encodeSize has already been set

Specified by:
getBlockSize in class Erasure
blockSize - = target blockSize (this is the size in bytes of the data to be encoded).
numFragments - = total number of fragments to encode data.
rate - = inverse rate of encoding to encode data.
the message in bytes that the data must be when passed to the Erasure encoder. This size correspond to the input blockSize, numFragments, and inverseRate.


public int getFragmentArrayLength()
Description copied from class: Erasure
getFragmentArrayLength returns the length of the Fragment array divisible by Erasure.sizeOfLong.

Specified by:
getFragmentArrayLength in class Erasure
the length of the Fragment array divisible by Erasure.sizeOfLong.


public int getMsgArrayLength()
Description copied from class: Erasure
getMsgArrayLength returns the length of the msg array divisible by Erasure.sizeOfLong.

Specified by:
getMsgArrayLength in class Erasure
the length of the msg array divisible by Erasure.sizeOfLong.


public void encode(byte[] bytes,
                   int[] msg,
                   int[] intFrags,
                   Stats stat)
            throws ErasureEncodeException
encodes an object using an erasure code. FIXME!!!

Specified by:
encode in class Erasure
bytes - = original msg before encoding (in array of byte form).
msg - = original msg before encoding (in array of int form).
stat - = a Stats object which contains the time to encode object in milliseconds.
resulting intFrags from encoding msg (in an array of int form).


public int loseFragments(int[] fragments,
                         int[] rec_fragments,
                         double keepRate,
                         int[] pNrec)
loseFragments Decide which fragments to keep randomly. INVARIANT: you have already called encode.

loseFragments in class Erasure
fragments - == original msg before encoding.
rec_fragments - == received msg after reception and decoding.
keepRate - == percentage of fragments to keep after reception.
pNrec - == number of received fragments, this is returned.
return == number of received.


public void decode(int[] rec_pckts,
                   int Nrec,
                   int[] rec_message,
                   byte[] data,
                   Stats stat)
            throws ErasureDecodeException
decodes an object using an erasure code.

Specified by:
decode in class Erasure
rec_pckts - == TODO
Nrec - == TODO
rec_message - == received msg after reception and decoding.
data - == TODO
stat - == TODO
return == time to decode object in milliseconds.


public int getNumFragments()
numFragments returns the number of fragments after encoding (without loss of fragments).

Specified by:
getNumFragments in class Erasure
return == number of encoded fragments.


public int numMessageFragments()
numMessageFragments returns the message number of fragments.

Specified by:
numMessageFragments in class Erasure
return == the number of message fragments.


public int numRedundantFragments()
numRedundantFragments returns the redundant number of fragments.

Specified by:
numRedundantFragments in class Erasure
return == the number of message fragments.


public int fragmentDataLength()
fragmentDataLength is the fragment length in bytes of each fragment excluding the overhead for storing the index.

Specified by:
fragmentDataLength in class Erasure
return == data length for each fragment.


public int fragmentIndexLength()
fragmentIndexLength is the overhead for storing the index.

Specified by:
fragmentIndexLength in class Erasure
return == length of index for each fragment in bytes.


public int fragmentTotalLength()
fragmentTotalLength is the fragment length in bytes including the overhead for storing the index after encoding.

Specified by:
fragmentTotalLength in class Erasure
return == total length of each fragment in bytes.