Class Fragment

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cacheable, Cloneable, Disseminatable, QuickSerializable, ostore.archive.repair.RepairStage.PersistantObject

public class Fragment
extends Object
implements Disseminatable

The Fragment class is a class to store Erasure encoded fragments.

Fragments are the main mechanism that provides durability in OceanStore. Each Fragment is self-verifying and the cornerstone of the archival layer's fault tolerance and automatic repair. A Fragment is produced from an Erasure coding process, where the Erasure code treats input data as a series of m Fragments, which it transforms into n Fragment, where n > m. The resulting code's essential perperty is that any m of the coded Fragments are sufficient to reconstruct the original data. The rate of encoding is r = m/n<1. The storage overhead is 1/r. The system can adjust the durability of information by selecting the rate (and hence storage overhead).

We append to the data portion of the Fragment object the fragment verification hashes (i.e. VHashTree and QSArray), the size of the original object, the encoding type (e.g. Cauchy, Interleaved, or Tornado), the number of total fragments, the inverse rate of encoding, and the index of particular fragment.

$Id: Fragment.java,v 1.29 2003/11/17 23:52:43 emilong Exp $
Hakim Weatherspoon
See Also:
Erasure, Cauchy, Interleaved, VHashTree, QSArray

Field Summary
static int blockSizeOffset
          Offset of block_size in the _data field.
static int dataOffset
          Offset of data in the _data field.
static int encodeTypeOffset
          Offset for the type of encoding used to generate this fragment.
static int indexOffset
          Offset of index in the _data field.
static int inverseRateOffset
          Offset of rate of encoding in the _data field.
static int numberOfFragmentsOffset
          Offset of number of fragments in the _data field.
static int OVERHEAD
          Overhead storage requirement for a fragment (in bytes).
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor: The Fragment has no data, and no verification info.
Fragment(byte[] header, int header_off, int header_len, int[] intData, int intData_off, int intData_len)
          Constructor: FIXME: This comment needs filling in.
Fragment(Erasure e, int[] intFrags, int index, int blockSize)
          Constructor: Initializes a Fragment with all of its data.
Fragment(InputBuffer buffer)
          Constructs a Fragment from its serialized form.
Fragment(int size)
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          This is the clone routine for Disseminatable.
 SecureHash computeGuid()
          computeGuid Compute and return the guid of the disseminatable.
 SecureHash computeGuid(SecureHashBuffer buffer)
          computeGuid Compute and return the guid of the disseminatable.
static int computeMemoryRequirement(int bSize, int numFrags, int inverseRate, int type)
          computMemoryRequirement computes the memory requirement for a single disseminatable.
 int getBlockSize()
          Gets the block_size of this Fragment.
 SecureHash getBlockVHash()
          Get the hash of the corresponding block in the verification information.
static Object getBucket(Object key)
 byte[] getData()
          getData returns the Fragment in byte array form.
 void getData(byte[] data, int data_offset, int offset, int length)
          Gets a portion of this Fragment's data.
 int getDataLength()
          Calculates and returns the length of a fragment's data in bytes (not including the index), based on block_size, numFrags, and rate.
 int getEncodeType()
          Gets the encodeType.
 SecureHash getFHash()
          Get the hash of the corresponding to the top of the fragment vhash tree (hash adjacent to blockVHash.
 int getIndex()
          getIndex get the index of this object.
 int getInverseRate()
          Gets the rate field from this fragment.
 int getNumberOfFragments()
          Gets the number of fragments field from this Fragment.
 SecureHash getVerify(int index)
          Get one of the hashes in the verification information.
 int getVerifyLength()
          Return the length of the verification array.
static Object putBucket(Object key, Object value)
 int putData(int[] buffer, int offset)
          putData copies this fragmet's index and data into the integer array.
 void serialize(OutputBuffer buffer)
          Specified by ostore.util.QuickSerializable
 void setBlockSize(int blockSize)
          Sets the block_size of this Fragment.
static void setBlockSize(int blockSize, byte[] data)
          Sets the block_size of this Fragment.
 void setData(byte[] data, int data_offset, int offset, int length)
          Sets a portion of this Fragment's data.
 void setEncodeType(int encodeType)
          Sets the encodeType.
static void setEncodeType(int encodeType, byte[] data)
          Sets the encodeType.
 void setFragmentMetadata(byte[] header, int offset, int length)
          Sets the index of this Fragment.
 void setIndex(int index)
          Sets the index of this Fragment.
static void setIndex(int index, byte[] data)
          Sets the index of this Fragment.
 void setInverseRate(int inverseRate)
          Sets the rate field in this Fragment.
static void setInverseRate(int inverseRate, byte[] data)
          Sets the rate field in this Fragment.
 void setNumberOfFragments(int numFrags)
          Sets the number of fragments field in this Fragment.
static void setNumberOfFragments(int numFrags, byte[] data)
          Sets the number of fragments field in this Fragment.
 void setSize(int size)
          Sets the size of the data array, erasing all data.
 void setVerify(SecureHash hash, int index)
          Sets one of the hashes in the verification information.
 void setVerifySize(int size)
          Sets the size of the verification information (in other words, how many levels of the verification tree exist between this Fragment's hash and the top-most hash.
 String toString()
          Specified by java.lang.Object
 boolean verifyGuid(SecureHash other)
          verifyGuid returns whether disseminatable verified or not.
 boolean verifyGuid(SecureHash other, SecureHashBuffer buffer)
          verifyGuid returns whether disseminatable verified or not.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int OVERHEAD
Overhead storage requirement for a fragment (in bytes). This has the following format:
4 bytes = block_size (size of the block which was encoded)
4 bytes = encoding type
4 bytes = number of fragments
4 bytes = inverse rate of encoding
4 bytes = index (index of this fragment)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static int blockSizeOffset
Offset of block_size in the _data field.


public static int encodeTypeOffset
Offset for the type of encoding used to generate this fragment.


public static int numberOfFragmentsOffset
Offset of number of fragments in the _data field.


public static int inverseRateOffset
Offset of rate of encoding in the _data field.


public static int indexOffset
Offset of index in the _data field. NOTE-WARNING: indexOffset and dataOffset need to be next to each other always due to the fact the Fragment class is just a wrapper around a cauchy fragment from the cauchy class


public static int dataOffset
Offset of data in the _data field. NOTE-WARNING: indexOffset and dataOffset need to be next to each other always due to the fact the Fragment class is just a wrapper around a cauchy fragment from the cauchy class

Constructor Detail


public Fragment()
Default constructor: The Fragment has no data, and no verification info. Initializes the array members of this class to be arrays of length 0.


public Fragment(int size)
Constructor. Initializes the data in this Fragment to have the input size, leaving room for the block size and index. It initializes _verify of this object to be an array of length 0.

size - size of the data portion of a fragment (i.e. excludes fragment overhead.


public Fragment(Erasure e,
                int[] intFrags,
                int index,
                int blockSize)
Constructor: Initializes a Fragment with all of its data. It converts a segment of an integer array into a Fragment.

e - Erasure object which created the fragments.
intFrags - integer representation of the fragments.
index - index of the Fragment to create.


public Fragment(byte[] header,
                int header_off,
                int header_len,
                int[] intData,
                int intData_off,
                int intData_len)
Constructor: FIXME: This comment needs filling in.


public Fragment(InputBuffer buffer)
         throws QSException
Constructs a Fragment from its serialized form.

buffer - serialized form of object.
Method Detail


public static int computeMemoryRequirement(int bSize,
                                           int numFrags,
                                           int inverseRate,
                                           int type)
computMemoryRequirement computes the memory requirement for a single disseminatable.

bSize - size of block in bytes.
numFrags - total number of fragments for block.
inverseRate - inverseRate of encoding.
type - type of erasure coding.
return the fragment size corresponding to the input parameters.


public static Object putBucket(Object key,
                               Object value)


public static Object getBucket(Object key)


public byte[] getData()
getData returns the Fragment in byte array form.

the Fragment in a byte array form.


public boolean verifyGuid(SecureHash other)
Description copied from interface: Disseminatable
verifyGuid returns whether disseminatable verified or not.

Specified by:
verifyGuid in interface Disseminatable
true iff this object self-verifies.


public boolean verifyGuid(SecureHash other,
                          SecureHashBuffer buffer)
Description copied from interface: Disseminatable
verifyGuid returns whether disseminatable verified or not.

Specified by:
verifyGuid in interface Disseminatable
true iff this object self-verifies.


public SecureHash computeGuid()
Description copied from interface: Disseminatable
computeGuid Compute and return the guid of the disseminatable.

Specified by:
computeGuid in interface Disseminatable
the guid of the disseminatable.


public SecureHash computeGuid(SecureHashBuffer buffer)
Description copied from interface: Disseminatable
computeGuid Compute and return the guid of the disseminatable.

Specified by:
computeGuid in interface Disseminatable
the guid of the disseminatable.


public void setVerifySize(int size)
Sets the size of the verification information (in other words, how many levels of the verification tree exist between this Fragment's hash and the top-most hash.


public void setVerify(SecureHash hash,
                      int index)
Sets one of the hashes in the verification information.

hash - hash to set.
index - index/position to set hash.


public SecureHash getVerify(int index)
Get one of the hashes in the verification information.

index - index/position to get hash.


public int getVerifyLength()
Return the length of the verification array.

verify hash array length.


public SecureHash getBlockVHash()
Get the hash of the corresponding block in the verification information.

corresponding block vhash.


public SecureHash getFHash()
Get the hash of the corresponding to the top of the fragment vhash tree (hash adjacent to blockVHash.

corresponding to the top of the vhash tree.


public void setSize(int size)
Sets the size of the data array, erasing all data.

size - size of the data portion of a fragment (i.e. excludes fragment overhead.


public void setData(byte[] data,
                    int data_offset,
                    int offset,
                    int length)
Sets a portion of this Fragment's data.

data - data to copy into data portion of fragment.
data_offset - offset of data being copied.
offset - offset of fragment data portion which to copy into.
length - length of data to copy.


public void getData(byte[] data,
                    int data_offset,
                    int offset,
                    int length)
Gets a portion of this Fragment's data.

data - array where data portion of fragment will be copyied into.
data_offset - offset into array holding copied data.
offset - offset of fragment data portion which to start copying.
length - length of data to copy.


public void setBlockSize(int blockSize)
Sets the block_size of this Fragment.

blockSize - size of block (in bytes).


public static void setBlockSize(int blockSize,
                                byte[] data)
Sets the block_size of this Fragment.

blockSize - size of block (in bytes).
data - byte array to place blockSize into.


public void setEncodeType(int encodeType)
Sets the encodeType.

encodeType - type of encoding.


public static void setEncodeType(int encodeType,
                                 byte[] data)
Sets the encodeType.

encodeType - type of encoding.
data - byte array to place encodeType into.


public void setNumberOfFragments(int numFrags)
Sets the number of fragments field in this Fragment.

numFrags - total number of fragments.


public static void setNumberOfFragments(int numFrags,
                                        byte[] data)
Sets the number of fragments field in this Fragment.

numFrags - total number of fragments.
data - byte array to set numFrags into.


public void setInverseRate(int inverseRate)
Sets the rate field in this Fragment.

inverseRate - inverse of the rate.


public static void setInverseRate(int inverseRate,
                                  byte[] data)
Sets the rate field in this Fragment.

inverseRate - inverse of the rate.
data - byte array to set inverseRate into.


public void setIndex(int index)
Sets the index of this Fragment.

index - index of fragment.


public static void setIndex(int index,
                            byte[] data)
Sets the index of this Fragment.

index - index of fragment.
data - byte array to put index into.


public void setFragmentMetadata(byte[] header,
                                int offset,
                                int length)
Sets the index of this Fragment.

header - byte array representing Fragment metadata _EXCEPT_ index.
offset - position in byte array where header begins.
length - length of header. header length should _NOT_ include index of fragment.


public int getDataLength()
Calculates and returns the length of a fragment's data in bytes (not including the index), based on block_size, numFrags, and rate.

length of data portion of fragment (i.e. excluding overHead.


public int getBlockSize()
Gets the block_size of this Fragment.

return == size of block.


public int getEncodeType()
Gets the encodeType.

type of encoding.


public int getNumberOfFragments()
Gets the number of fragments field from this Fragment.

total number of fragments.


public int getInverseRate()
Gets the rate field from this fragment.

the inverse rate.


public int getIndex()
Description copied from interface: Disseminatable
getIndex get the index of this object.

Specified by:
getIndex in interface Disseminatable
return = index of this object.


public int putData(int[] buffer,
                   int offset)
putData copies this fragmet's index and data into the integer array.

buffer - integer array to copy this Fragment's data into
offset - offset in the array to start copying.
the number of integers copied into buffer


public Object clone()
             throws CloneNotSupportedException
Description copied from interface: Disseminatable
This is the clone routine for Disseminatable. It deeply clones a disseminatable (meaning that it copies all of the data, not just references).

Specified by:
clone in interface Disseminatable
clone in class Object
clone of Disseminatable.


public void serialize(OutputBuffer buffer)
Specified by ostore.util.QuickSerializable

Specified by:
serialize in interface QuickSerializable
buffer - the output buffer to add the object to


public String toString()
Specified by java.lang.Object

toString in class Object