Interface ContinuousModel

All Superinterfaces:
Model, QuickSerializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ContinuousModel
extends Model

An interface for introspective models which take into account the continuous time sequence in which events arrive. Certain methods in Model are replaced or augmented by others to allow event recording to be parameterized by time.

$Id: ContinuousModel.java,v 1.1 2003/03/14 22:28:03 jeffpang Exp $
Jeff Pang

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class ostore.oil.Model
Model.Delta, Model.Prediction
Method Summary
 void record(QuickSerializable observation)
          This method assumes the observation occurred at time now.
 void record(QuickSerializable[] observations)
          This method assumes the observations occurred at time now.
 void record(QuickSerializable[] observations, Time time)
          Record the observations and mark that they occurred at a particular time.
 void record(QuickSerializable observation, Time time)
          Record the observation and mark that it occurred at a particular time.
Methods inherited from interface ostore.oil.Model
add_delta, clear, clear, loglikelihood, outliers, predict, recalculate
Methods inherited from interface ostore.util.QuickSerializable

Method Detail


public void record(QuickSerializable observation)
This method assumes the observation occurred at time now. (I.e., when the method was called)

Specified by:
record in interface Model
observation - Any event, value, etc. that this Model understands.


public void record(QuickSerializable observation,
                   Time time)
Record the observation and mark that it occurred at a particular time.

observation - the observation
time - the time it occurred


public void record(QuickSerializable[] observations)
This method assumes the observations occurred at time now. (I.e., when the method was called)

Specified by:
record in interface Model
observations - An array of events, values, etc., not necessarily all the same type, that this Model understands.


public void record(QuickSerializable[] observations,
                   Time time)
Record the observations and mark that they occurred at a particular time.

observations - the observations
time - the time they occurred