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_ackFrags - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
Array to store whether a fragment has been acknowledged after dissemination.
_alfkeyfile - Variable in class ostore.mac.StageTester
_all_data_added - Variable in class ostore.dataobj.RabinFingerprint
_archiveInterpretFlag - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
Flag determines whether the archive should do "something" special with the decoded block i.e create data obj.
_bigfootkeyfile - Variable in class ostore.mac.StageTester
_block_tables - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
_blocks - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
_blocks - Static variable in class ostore.cache.BDBTest
_blockType - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
blockType is the type of block we are encoding or decoding.
_bytes - Variable in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject.DataBlock
_bytes - Variable in class ostore.util.SHA1Hash
These are the bytes in this Hash.
_canDecode - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
boolean on whether can decode.
_cauchy - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
_cauchy_fragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
_cauchy_message - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
_classifier - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManagerTest
_classifier - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
_classifier - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_dhlifespan - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_Elen - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Elen is the length of the encoding in words.
_elts - Variable in class ostore.security.SignedQSTree
_encodeSize - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
encodeSize is the max number of words in any one message encoded by Cauchy
_endTime - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
startTime and endTime are timers for dissemination and recoalescing of a disseminatable bucket.
_env - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
_env - Static variable in class ostore.cache.BDBTest
_events_in_queue - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
_events_in_queue_lock - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
_fragmentDataLength - Variable in class ostore.archive.Erasure
fragmentDataLength is the Fragment length in bytes of each Fragment excluding the overhead for storing the index.
_fragmentIndexLength - Variable in class ostore.archive.Erasure
fragmentIndexLength is the overhead for storing the index.
_fragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
_fragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
_fragmentTotalLength - Variable in class ostore.archive.Erasure
fragmentTotalLength is the Fragment length in bytes including the overhead for storing the index after encoding.
_frags - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
Array to store the fragments (its length is based on whether we are waiting to disseminate, or are recoalescing, the fragments)
_frags - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
_frags_free_space - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
Current free space pointer into _frags
_guids - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager
_handleStore - Variable in class ostore.read.HandleStoreReadResp
A VID->VerifiableBlock map containing the blocks that make up the slice read, or null.
_head - Variable in class ostore.dataobj.RabinFingerprint
_head_idx - Variable in class ostore.dataobj.RabinFingerprint
_headerSize - Static variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
_hmac - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_id - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManagerTest
_init_puts - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManagerTest
_interleaveFactor - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
interleaveFactor is the number of encode fragments per dissemination fragments INV: interleaveFactor = ceil(Original Message size / encodeSize)
_inverseRate - Variable in class ostore.archive.Erasure
_inverseRate is the inverse rate of encoding
_kagree - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_key - Variable in class ostore.security.QSRsaPublicKey
_key - Variable in class ostore.security.QSRsaPrivateKey
_keysize - Static variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_kpgen - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_Lfield - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Lfield is the log of the length of the field.
_message - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
_message - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
_metadata - Variable in class ostore.dataobj.Metadata
All metadata will be stored in this Hashtable.
_Mfragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Mfragments is the number of message fragments IMPORTANT: The max of Mfragments and Rfragments is at most 2^{Lfield-1}.
_Mlen - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Mlen is the length of the message in words.
_Mseglen - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Mseglen is the message segment length.
_myGuid - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_nackCount - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
Number of NACK's received.
_next - Variable in class ostore.cache.CachePolicy.Line
_next_victim - Variable in class ostore.cache.ClockAlgorithm
_nextBucket - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
Points to the next FragmentBucket in a chain of FragmentBuckets.
_Nfragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Nfragments is the total number of fragments sent.
_Niter - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Niter is the number of messages sent.
_node_id - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
_node_id is the NodeId of the local server where this class is running.
_node_id - Variable in class ostore.archive.Erasure
_node_id is the NodeId of the local server where this class is running.
_node_id - Variable in class ostore.dispatch.Classifier
The NodeId that is associated with this classifier.
_Nsegs - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Nsegs is the number of segments in a fragment.
_numAcksRecv - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
Number of ack's recv'd for disseminated fragments belonging to a particular fragmentBucket.
_numFragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.Erasure
_numFragments is the total number of Fragments to be sent after encoding.
_numMessageFragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.Erasure
_numMessageFragments is the number of message Fragments to be sent after encoding.
_numRedundantFragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.Erasure
numRedundantFragments is the number of redundant Fragments to be sent after encoding.
_p - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
_pinned_bytes - Variable in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
_pkeyfile - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_Plen - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Plen is the fragment length in words excluding the overhead for storing the index.
_Plen - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
Plen is the size in words of a dissemination fragment.
_Plentot - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Plentot is the fragment length in words including the overhead for storing the index.
_Plentot - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
Plentot is the size int words of a dissemination fragment (with index)
_prev - Variable in class ostore.cache.CachePolicy.Line
_principal_guid - Variable in class ostore.archive.TputGenerateChkptTest
_principal_guid - Variable in class ostore.archive.LatGenerateChkptTest
_put_size - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManagerTest
_qs_signature - Variable in class ostore.security.SignedQS
_qs_signature_type - Variable in class ostore.security.SignedQS
_r - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_rand - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManagerTest
_rec_fragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
_rec_fragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
_rec_message - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Cauchy
_rec_message - Variable in class ostore.archive.interleaved.Interleaved
_recv - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManagerTest
_refGuid - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
reference to guid of top most root block (GUID which refers to this FB).
_retryLimit - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_rf - Variable in class ostore.dataobj.RabinFingerprint
_Rfragments - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
Rfragments is the number of redundant fragments IMPORTANT: The max of Mfragments and Rfragments is at most 2^{Lfield-1}.
_self_guid - Variable in class ostore.archive.TputGenerateChkptTest
_self_guid - Variable in class ostore.archive.LatGenerateChkptTest
_selfTest - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_signature - Variable in class ostore.security.SignedQS
_signEngine - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_sigPri - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_sigPub - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_sink - Variable in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
_sink - Variable in class ostore.dispatch.Classifier.DefaultTimerCB
A SinkIF onto which the events will be enqueued.
_size - Variable in class ostore.archive.Erasure
_size is size of message in bytes
_size - Variable in class ostore.cache.ClockAlgorithm
_size_lock - Variable in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
_skeyfile - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_SMultField - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
SMultField is the size of the multiplicative field (2^{Lfield}-1) == TableLength - 1.
_space_wait_queue_bytes_reserved - Variable in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
_stageName - Variable in class ostore.apps.traces.TraceClient
The name by which to refer to this stage.
_start_time - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManagerTest
_startTime - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
startTime and endTime are timers for dissemination and recoalescing of a disseminatable bucket.
_stsTime - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_successfullyDecoded - Variable in class ostore.archive.FragmentBucket
boolean on whether can decode.
_synch_o - Static variable in class ostore.dispatch.Classifier
The synch_o object is used to synchronize the instantiation of an ssTimer object.
_t - Variable in class ostore.dataobj.RabinFingerprint
_t_idx - Variable in class ostore.dataobj.RabinFingerprint
_TableLength - Variable in class ostore.archive.cauchy.Parameters
TableLength is 2^{Lfield}
_tail - Variable in class ostore.dataobj.RabinFingerprint
_test_phase - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManagerTest
_test_puts - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManagerTest
_theirMhandler - Variable in class ostore.mac.StageTester
_this_sink - Variable in class ostore.mac.HMACDHHandler
_timer - Static variable in class ostore.dispatch.Classifier
The ssTimer which stores and triggers events.
_total_pin_count - Variable in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
_total_pin_count_lock - Variable in class ostore.cache.BufferCache
_user_data - Variable in class ostore.security.SignedQS
_user_data - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeDownMsg
_user_data - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeUpMsg
_user_data_buffer - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeDownMsg
_user_data_buffer - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeUpMsg
_user_data_length - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeDownMsg
_user_data_length - Variable in class ostore.apps.qtree.impl.QTreeUpMsg
_verify - Variable in class ostore.archive.Erasure
Verify the results produced by the encode or decode routines.
_vguid - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.UpdateVerifiableBlocksResp
vguid is the resulting guid for fragmentation of checkpoint.
_vguid - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.UpdateVerifiableBlocksReq
vguid is the resulting guid for fragmentation of checkpoint.

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