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v_guid - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.QueryResp
v_guid == resulting Version GUID.
v_guid - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.DisseminateTombstoneResp
v_guid is the version GUID of the disseminated Tombstone.
v_guid - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.DisseminateTombstoneReq
v_guid == Version GUID.
valid_types - Static variable in class ostore.dispatch.Filter
A HashMap containing the set of valid types for fields whose value we would like to restrict.
value - Variable in class ostore.network.TputTest.Msg
value - Variable in class ostore.network.SimpleTest.Msg
value - Variable in class ostore.network.LatTest.Msg
value_maps - Variable in class ostore.dispatch.TrieNode
Contains the set of value->child mappings for each Field.
valueOf(long) - Static method in class ostore.security.SafeBigInt
values() - Method in class ostore.util.MultiMap
Collection of the inividual values.
values() - Method in class ostore.util.QSHashMap
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
VerifiableBlock - interface ostore.util.VerifiableBlock.
The VerifiableBlock interface should be implemented by all objects that need to be self-verifiable.
VerifiableBlockTag - class ostore.util.VerifiableBlockTag.
The Tapestry tag published by object replicas (second-tier and clients).
VerifiableBlockTag() - Constructor for class ostore.util.VerifiableBlockTag
Creates a new VerifiableBlockTag.
VerifiableBlockTag(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.util.VerifiableBlockTag
Constructs a VerifiableBlockTag from its serialized form.
Verifier - class ostore.security.thresh.Verifier.
Verifier for signature shares.
Verifier(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.security.thresh.Verifier
Verifier(int, SafeBigInt, SafeBigInt, SafeBigInt, SafeBigInt) - Constructor for class ostore.security.thresh.Verifier
verify_c_helper(byte[], byte[], int, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class ostore.security.thresh.NativeIF
verify(byte[], byte[], ThresholdPublicKey) - Static method in class ostore.security.thresh.SigShare
verify(byte[], SigShare[], ThresholdPublicKey) - Static method in class ostore.security.thresh.SigShare
verify(byte[], ThresholdPublicKey) - Method in class ostore.security.thresh.SigShare
verify(PublicKey, RawNativeRSASignature_PKCS1_SHA1, SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.security.SignedQS
A verify function that can take advantage of the RawNativeRSASignature_PKCS1_SHA1 class.
verify(PublicKey, Signature) - Method in class ostore.security.SignedQSTreePath
verify(PublicKey, Signature) - Method in class ostore.security.SignedQSTree
verify(PublicKey, Signature) - Method in class ostore.security.SignedQS
Verify that the signature over SignedQS.user_data() is valid.
verify(QuickSerializable) - Method in class ostore.util.SHA1Hash
Verifies a QuickSerializable object
verify(QuickSerializable) - Method in interface ostore.util.SecureHash
Verifies a QuickSerializable object
verifyGuid(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.archive.Fragment
verifyGuid(SecureHash) - Method in interface ostore.archive.Disseminatable
verifyGuid returns whether disseminatable verified or not.
verifyGuid(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject.DataBlock
verifyGuid(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
verifyGuid(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject
verifyGuid(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree
verifyGuid(SecureHash) - Method in interface ostore.util.VerifiableBlock
Verify the contents of the object against its given guid.
verifyGuid(SecureHash, SecureHashBuffer) - Method in class ostore.archive.Fragment
verifyGuid(SecureHash, SecureHashBuffer) - Method in interface ostore.archive.Disseminatable
verifyGuid returns whether disseminatable verified or not.
verifyVhash(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject.DataBlock
verifyVhash(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
verifyVhash(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.DataObject
verifyVhash(SecureHash) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree
verifyVhash(SecureHash) - Method in interface ostore.util.VerifiableBlock
Verify the contents of the object against its given verification hash.
version - Variable in class ostore.read.ReplicaReadResp
The id for the version of the Replica that was read, or null.
version - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.QueryResp
timestamp == time version was commited.
version - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.DisseminateTombstoneReq
version == Version Number.
version - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.QueryReq
version == commit time of version requested.
VERSION - Static variable in class ostore.security.NativeRSAProvider
VERSION - Static variable in class ostore.security.thresh.ThresholdProvider
VERSION_CREATE_TIME - Static variable in class ostore.client.OSMetadata
VERSION_CREATE_TIME - Static variable in class ostore.dataobj.Metadata
VERSION_DOUBLE - Static variable in class ostore.security.NativeRSAProvider
VERSION_DOUBLE - Static variable in class ostore.security.thresh.ThresholdProvider
version_pred - Variable in class ostore.read.ReplicaReadReq
A predicate specifying which version(s) of the Replica (a DataObject) to read.
VERSION_PREDICATE_NOT_SATISFIED - Static variable in class ostore.replica.ReplicaResp
An error code that indicates a request failed because no version satisfying the version predicate could be found.
VERSION_SEQNUM - Static variable in class ostore.dataobj.Metadata
VERSION_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Static variable in class ostore.client.OSMetadata
VERSION_SIZE - Static variable in class ostore.client.OSMetadata
VersionHandleCache - class ostore.update.VersionHandleCache.
The VersionHandleCache is a temporary store of pinned cache handles to data objects that have been modified by an update.
VersionHandleCache() - Constructor for class ostore.update.VersionHandleCache
Construct a VersionHandleCache.
VersionPredicate - interface ostore.read.VersionPredicate.
Encodes a restriction on versions of a Replica.
vguid - Variable in class ostore.inner.Heartbeat
vguid - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.BucketsToDisseminateEvent
vguid is the version guid.
vguid - Variable in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminateFragMsg
vguid is the guid that matches the version that the disseminatables belong.
vguid - Variable in class ostore.archive.dissemination.DisseminateFragAckMsg
aguid is the guid that matches the version that was disseminated.
vGuid - Variable in class ostore.archive.events.GenerateFragsChkptResp
vGuid == Resulting guid for fragmentation of checkpoint.
VGUID - Static variable in class ostore.client.OSVPVersionId
A code to indicate that the given version identifier is a Vguid.
VGUID - Static variable in class ostore.util.VID
The type code for a VID that consists of the VGUID of a DataObject's top block (A checkpoint GUID).
VGuidGenerationReject - class ostore.inner.VGuidGenerationReject.
VGuidGenerationReject() - Constructor for class ostore.inner.VGuidGenerationReject
VGuidGenerationReject(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.VGuidGenerationReject
VGuidGenerationReq - class ostore.inner.VGuidGenerationReq.
VGuidGenerationReq(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.VGuidGenerationReq
VGuidGenerationReq(SecureHash, LinkedList) - Constructor for class ostore.inner.VGuidGenerationReq
vhash - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager.GetBlock
vhash - Variable in class ostore.cache.StorageManager.PutBlock
vhash - Variable in class ostore.inner.BlockReadRespMsg
Whether block_name represents a VHASH (true) or a BGUID (false).
vhash - Variable in class ostore.inner.BlockReadReqMsg
Whether the parent class's guid represents a VHASH (true) or a BGUID (false).
vhash - Variable in class ostore.inner.Heartbeat
VHASH - Static variable in class ostore.cache.CacheableIdentity
indicates that this object has a VHASH
VHASH - Static variable in class ostore.client.OSVPVersionId
A code to indicate that the given version identifier is a Vhash.
VHASH - Static variable in class ostore.dataobj.HandleStore
VHASH - Static variable in class ostore.util.VID
The type code for a VID that consists of the VHash of a DataObject's top block.
VHashTree - class ostore.archive.VHashTree.
A VHashTree is a tree (right now, binary) of hashes, where a parent node is the hash over the concatenation of its children.
VHashTree.TreeObj - class ostore.archive.VHashTree.TreeObj.
VHashTree.TreeObj(int) - Constructor for class ostore.archive.VHashTree.TreeObj
VHashTree() - Constructor for class ostore.archive.VHashTree
VHashTreeNativeIF - class ostore.archive.VHashTreeNativeIF.
VHashTreeNativeIF is an interface to a native C implementation of the VerificationTree.
VHashTreeNativeIF() - Constructor for class ostore.archive.VHashTreeNativeIF
vhashTreeTime - Variable in class ostore.archive.GuidResult
vhashTreeTime is the VHashTree creation time only.
vhashTreeTimeC - Variable in class ostore.archive.GuidResult
vhashTreeTime is the VHashTree creation time only, measured from the C level.
VID - class ostore.util.VID.
A wrapper class for a DataObject version identifier.
VID(byte, SecureHash) - Constructor for class ostore.util.VID
Constructs a new VID.
VID(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.util.VID
Constructs a VID from its QuickSerializable form.
VIDPredicate - class ostore.read.VIDPredicate.
A VersionPredicate that requires the single version with the specified VID.
VIDPredicate(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.read.VIDPredicate
Constructs a VIDPredicate from its serialized form.
VIDPredicate(VID) - Constructor for class ostore.read.VIDPredicate
Constructs a new VIDPredicate.
view - Variable in class ostore.agree.ResultMsg
view - Variable in class ostore.agree.PreprepareMsg
view - Variable in class ostore.agree.PrepareMsg
view - Variable in class ostore.agree.ForwardMsg
view - Variable in class ostore.agree.CommitMsg
view - Variable in class ostore.agree.AgreementState
VirtualizedNetCert - class ostore.network.VirtualizedNetCert.
Certifies that a virtual node can be contacted through a specified proxy.
VirtualizedNetCert(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class ostore.network.VirtualizedNetCert
Constructs an VirtualizedNetCert from its serialized form.
VirtualizedNetCert(NodeId, NodeId) - Constructor for class ostore.network.VirtualizedNetCert
Creates a new VirtualizedNetCert.
VISDEMO - Static variable in class ostore.util.DebugFlags
vkey - Static variable in class ostore.cache.BDBTest
vkey_bytes - Static variable in class ostore.cache.BDBTest
voidChild(int) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode
voidKey(int) - Method in class ostore.dataobj.Btree.InteriorNode

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