Class Summary |
ByteArrayInputBuffer |
The ByteArrayInputBuffer is a utility class that
provides an InputBuffer interface to a byte array.
ByteArrayOutputBuffer |
Writes objects into a user-provided byte array. |
ByteUtils |
ByteUtils is a class with commonly needed operations for converting
various built-in types to bytes and back. |
Carp |
A convenience class for dying and generating error messages, complete
with "carp" and "croak", borrowed from PERL.
Clock |
Clock.DefaultClockCB |
CountBuffer |
Counts the bytes in the serialized form of an object. |
Debug |
Debug provides printing facilities for debug purposes. |
DebugFlags |
DestroyStages |
Destroys all of the stages associated with some NodeID. |
FiniteStack |
A simple Stack of finite size. |
FromBytesInputBuffer |
For help in porting. |
InputBufferImpl |
Implements all of the functionality of InputBuffer except
nextByte and nextBytes . |
IntHashtable |
This class implements a hashtable, which maps keys to values. |
Logger |
A logging utility.
LruMap |
LruMap is a Map with an attached LRU
ordering. |
MultiMap |
Map where (key => Set<values>) |
NodeId |
Abstract node identifier. |
NonceAckMsg |
NonceMsg |
OutputBufferImpl |
A buffer into which QuickSerializable objects can be
Pair |
To avoid making a whole bunch of two member classes. |
PriorityQueue |
PriorityQueue is a (blocking) priority queue. |
QSArray |
QSBigInteger |
A quick serializable big integer. |
QSBool |
QSByteArray | |
QSClone |
QSClone.QSCloneBuffer |
This class is private for a reason; using it outside of QSClone will
result in your being sacked |
QSDate |
QSDate. |
QSHashMap |
A QSHashMap is a wrapper class of HashMap
that implements QuickSerializable . |
QSInt |
The QSIO class contains general utility methods for
writing/reading QuickSerializable object to/from files. |
QSList |
A quick serializable list. |
QSLong |
QSPair |
Pair for QS classes. |
QSString |
A dull mirror of the java.lang.String class which implements
ostore.util.QuickSerializable . |
QSTreeSet |
A QSTreeSet is a wrapper class of TreeSet
that implements QuickSerializable . |
QSVector |
A QSVector is a cousin of java.lang.Vector which
implements ostore.util.QuickSerializable . |
QSWindow |
The QSWindow object is a data structure similiar to
a queue. |
Queue |
A simple Queue. |
QueueElementReqIF |
QueueElementReqIF is a superclass request
event that has
a logical and well defined response . |
QueueElementRespIF |
QueueElementRespIF is the superclass of the
logical and well defined response to an initial corresponding
event . |
RandomAccessFileInputBuffer |
For use in testing only; not efficient at all, and not completely
implemented either. |
RandomAccessFileOutputBuffer |
For use in testing only; not efficient at all, and not completely
implemented either. |
RandomExponential |
A utility class for generating random values from a negative exponential
distribution. |
SecureHashBuffer |
A MessageDigest -like interface for building
SecureHash es.
SHA1Hash |
SHA1Hash is the hash class used by all entities which are SHA1 hashes.
SHA1HashBuffer |
A SecureHashBuffer that produces SHA1Hash s. |
SHA1NativeIF |
SHA1HashNativeIF is an interface to a
native C implementation of
a SHA-1 MessageDigest .
SHA1NativeProvider |
SHA1HashNativeProvider is the
Provider for the SHA-1
native implementation in C .
StageId |
This class stores contants by which to refer to stages in the
running system. |
StandardStage |
Implements functionality common to most stages. |
StatRecorder |
The StatRecorder class is a utility for recording
and analyzing a number of samples for a measurement. |
StopWatch |
StopWatch provides timing utilities for profiling code
performance. |
StreamInputBuffer |
For use in testing only; not efficient at all, and not completely
implemented either. |
StreamOutputBuffer |
For use in testing only; not efficient at all, and not completely
implemented either. |
Triple |
A tuple with 3 elements. |
Types |
A class which is used to register all of the basic OceanStore types. |
TypeTable |
Allows for the creation of new QuickSerializable objects from their type
codes and a byte array. |
VerifiableBlockTag |
The Tapestry tag published by object replicas (second-tier and clients).
A wrapper class for a DataObject version identifier. |