Class RawNativeRSASignature_PKCS1_SHA1


public class RawNativeRSASignature_PKCS1_SHA1
extends Object

A signature class not encumbered by the horrendous design decisions of the Java Signature interface. This class allows the person creating or verifying a signature to extract the result of the secure hash which is calculated along the way, a feat which is not possible under the Signature interface, AFAIK. It also can't inherit from SignatureSpi, since I want all of the engineXXX functions to be public, not protected. Silly Java engineers...

As with NativeRSASignature_PKCS1_SHA1, this class is totally copied from Cryptix. I would _LOVE_ to just extend the class RSASignature_PKCS1_SHA1 and overload only the engineSign and engineVerify methods, but the makePKCS1 function is private, so I have to copy the entire class. I'm talking with the Cryptix folks about having that remedied if possible.

$Id: RawNativeRSASignature_PKCS1_SHA1.java,v 1.2 2003/11/17 23:52:43 emilong Exp $
Sean C. Rhea

Constructor Summary
          Constructor for an Any_RSA_PKCS1Signature.
Method Summary
protected  Object engineGetParameter(String param)
 void engineInitSign(PrivateKey key)
          Initializes this signature object for signing, using the given private key.
 void engineInitSign(PrivateKey privateKey, SecureRandom random)
 void engineInitVerify(PublicKey key)
          Initializes this signature object for verification, using the given public key.
protected  void engineSetParameter(AlgorithmParameterSpec params)
protected  void engineSetParameter(String param, Object value)
 byte[] engineSign(SecureHash digest)
          Terminates the update process and returns the signature bytes of all the data signed so far.
 boolean engineVerify(byte[] signature, SecureHash digest)
          Terminates the update process and verifies that the passed signature equals that of a generated one based on the updated data so far.
protected  byte[] getAlgorithmEncoding()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RawNativeRSASignature_PKCS1_SHA1()
Constructor for an Any_RSA_PKCS1Signature.

Method Detail


protected byte[] getAlgorithmEncoding()


public void engineInitVerify(PublicKey key)
                      throws InvalidKeyException
Initializes this signature object for verification, using the given public key.

key - the public key this signature is assumed to have been generated with.
InvalidKeyException - If the key class does not implement java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey or if the size of the minimal PKCS#1 frame generated by the engineSign() method will be larger than the public key modulus.


public void engineInitSign(PrivateKey key)
                    throws InvalidKeyException
Initializes this signature object for signing, using the given private key.

key - the private key to be used to generate signatures.
InvalidKeyException - If the key class does not implement java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey or If the size of the minimal PKCS#1 frame generated by the engineSign() method will be larger than the public key modulus.


public void engineInitSign(PrivateKey privateKey,
                           SecureRandom random)
                    throws InvalidKeyException


public byte[] engineSign(SecureHash digest)
                  throws SignatureException
Terminates the update process and returns the signature bytes of all the data signed so far.

NOTES: Sun's documentation talks about the bytes returned being X.509-encoded. For this RSA/PKCS#1 implementation, they conform to PKCS#1 section 10. Practically, the return value will be formed by concatenating a leading NULL byte, a block type BT, a padding block PS, another NULLbyte, and finally a data block D; ie:

     return = 0x00 || BT || PS || 0x00 || D.
For signing, PKCS#1 block type 01 encryption-block formatting scheme is employed. The block type BT is a single byte valued 0x01 and the padding block PS is enough 0xFF bytes to make the length of the complete RSA Multi Precision Integer equal to the length of the public modulus. The data block D consists of the MIC -- Message Integrity Check, or message digest value-- and the MIC algorithm ASN.1 encoded identifier. The formal syntax in ASN.1 notation is:
     digestAlgorithm  AlgorithmIdentifier,
     digest           OCTET STRING

   AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
     algorithm        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
     parameters       ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL

the signature bytes of the signing operation's result.
SignatureException - if the engine is not initialised properly.


public boolean engineVerify(byte[] signature,
                            SecureHash digest)
                     throws SignatureException
Terminates the update process and verifies that the passed signature equals that of a generated one based on the updated data so far.

NOTES: Sun's documentation talks about the bytes received being X.509-encoded. For this RSA/PKCS#1 implementation, the bytes received are assumed to conform to PKCS#1 section 10, or have been generated by a previous invocation of the engineSign method.

signature - the signature bytes to be verified.
true if the signature was verified successfully, false otherwise.
SignatureException - if the engine is not initialised properly, the received signature data is improperly encoded or of the wrong type, etc.


protected void engineSetParameter(String param,
                                  Object value)
                           throws InvalidParameterException


protected void engineSetParameter(AlgorithmParameterSpec params)
                           throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException


protected Object engineGetParameter(String param)
                             throws InvalidParameterException