Package ostore.mac

Class Summary
DHMessage Message specific to Diffie-Hellman StS key agreement

HMACDHHandler MacHandler that uses HMAC for the message authentication and Diffie-Hellman Key Generation.
MacHandler MacHandler.
PartyInfo Party information for DHMessage and MacStage to keep track of what stage of STS is established between this computer and another party

This is tailored specifically for internal HMACDHHandler usage
QSMACType Similar to QSSignature, a class used to identify a Mac type.
StageTester StageTester allows me (Gifford) to test a stage and watch it for effects.
STSVerify Specifically made for the Station-to-Station Protocol to send public keys back and forth.
TestStage TestStage stage for trying out security protocols: DH and HMAC

Exception Summary