A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _


data - Variable in class dd.db.StorageManager.IterateByGuidResp
data - Variable in class dd.db.StorageManager.GetByTimeResp
data - Variable in class dd.db.StorageManager.GetByGuidResp
data - Variable in class dd.db.StorageManager.GetByKeyResp
data - Variable in class dd.db.StorageManager.PutReq
data_hash - Variable in class dd.db.StorageManager.Key
data_hash(ByteBuffer) - Method in class dd.db.StorageManager
dd_intermediate_upcall - Variable in class dd.api.DDRouteMsg
If true, the underlying DHT will generate an upcall event to the DD on each intermediate node in the path.
dd_intermediate_upcall - Variable in class dd.api.DDPrefixRouteMsg
If true, the underlying DHT will generate an upcall event to the DD on each intermediate node in the path.
dd.api - package dd.api
dd.db - package dd.db
dd.dht.api - package dd.dht.api
dd.directmail.api - package dd.directmail.api
dd.directmail.impl - package dd.directmail.impl
dd.dissemination - package dd.dissemination
dd.host.api - package dd.host.api
dd.host.impl - package dd.host.impl
dd.kbr.api - package dd.kbr.api
dd.kbr.impl - package dd.kbr.impl
dd.ptr.api - package dd.ptr.api
dd.ptr.impl - package dd.ptr.impl
dd.router - package dd.router
dd.trigger - package dd.trigger
dd.www - package dd.www
DDHowto - class demo.howto.DDHowto.
A simple example of how to write your own DD client and message types.
DDHowto.Ping - class demo.howto.DDHowto.Ping.
One of two DD messages used in this test.
DDHowto.Ping(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class demo.howto.DDHowto.Ping
A deserialization constructor.
DDHowto.Ping(SecureHash, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class demo.howto.DDHowto.Ping
A constructor for messages I'm going to send to someone else.
DDHowto.Pong - class demo.howto.DDHowto.Pong.
This class is identical in all by type from the DDHowto.Ping class, so I'm not going to comment it further.
DDHowto.Pong(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class demo.howto.DDHowto.Pong
Constructs a Pong from its serialized form.
DDHowto.Pong(SecureHash, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class demo.howto.DDHowto.Pong
Constructor: Creates a new Pong.
DDHowto() - Constructor for class demo.howto.DDHowto
Constructor: Creates a new DDHowto stage.
DDLocateFailure - class dd.api.DDLocateFailure.
An event which indicates that a DDLocateMsg was not successful.
DDLocateFailure(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDLocateFailure
Constructs a DDLocateFailure from its serialized form.
DDLocateFailure(SecureHash, SecureHash, SecureHash, SecureHash, NodeId, int, DDQueryState) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDLocateFailure
Constructor: Creates a new DDLocateFailure.
DDLocateMsg - class dd.api.DDLocateMsg.
Messages sent from one machine to one or more machines advertising the given objguid and satisfying the given tag query.
DDLocateMsg() - Constructor for class dd.api.DDLocateMsg
Empty constructor.
DDLocateMsg(SecureHash, DDQuery, DDQueryState, SecureHash, boolean, boolean, boolean, byte, byte, VirtualCoordinate) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDLocateMsg
Constructor: Creates a new DDLocateMsg.
DDMacRouteMsg - class dd.api.DDMacRouteMsg.
Messages sent from one OceanStore machine to any other, which are guarenteed to have come from the listed sender.
DDMacRouteMsg() - Constructor for class dd.api.DDMacRouteMsg
Empty constructor.
DDMacRouteMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDMacRouteMsg
Constructs a DDMacRouteMsg from its serialized form.
DDMacRouteMsg(SecureHash, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDMacRouteMsg
Constructor: Creates a new DDMacRouteMsg.
DDPrefixRouteMsg - class dd.api.DDPrefixRouteMsg.
Messages sent from one machine to some other, with a node guid that closely matches the given one.
DDPrefixRouteMsg() - Constructor for class dd.api.DDPrefixRouteMsg
Empty constructor.
DDPrefixRouteMsg(SecureHash, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDPrefixRouteMsg
Constructor: Creates a new DDPrefixRouteMsg.
DDPublishReq - class dd.api.DDPublishReq.
Event that causes DD to publish an object pointer to the given GUID with the given tag.
DDPublishReq(SecureHash, DDTag, boolean, int, int, int, Object, SinkIF) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDPublishReq
Constructor: Creates a new DDPublishReq.
DDPublishResp - class dd.api.DDPublishResp.
Respond to a request for a object guid's pointer set, with an array of PublishInfos and whether or not we're the root for that guid.
DDPublishResp(SecureHash, DDTag, SecureHash, boolean, int, Object) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDPublishResp
Constructor: Creates a new DDPublishResp.
DDQuery - interface dd.api.DDQuery.
The query that is passed along with a location/lookup request.
DDQueryResult - interface dd.api.DDQueryResult.
A base interface for all results from a DD query.
DDQueryResultMatch - class dd.api.DDQueryResultMatch.
A result indicating that the given DD tag (and possibly others) satisfy the given query.
DDQueryResultMatch(SecureHash[], boolean) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDQueryResultMatch
Constructor: Creates a new DDQueryResultMatch.
DDQueryResultNoMatch - class dd.api.DDQueryResultNoMatch.
A result indicating that the given DD tag does not satisfy the given query.
DDQueryResultNoMatch() - Constructor for class dd.api.DDQueryResultNoMatch
DDQueryState - interface dd.api.DDQueryState.
A wrapper interface for the state of a that is passed along with each query of a location request up the tree towards the root.
DDReadyMsg - class dd.api.DDReadyMsg.
Message sent by either Key-Based-Routing layer when the local node has been integrated into the overlay.
DDReadyMsg(SecureHash, long) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDReadyMsg
Constructor: Creates a new DDReadyMsg.
DDRepairObjReq - class dd.api.DDRepairObjReq.
DDRepairObjReq is a msg sent from a root directory node to a server requesting that an object be repaired.
DDRepairObjReq(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDRepairObjReq
Constructs a DDRepairObjReq from its serialized form.
DDRepairObjReq(SecureHash, SecureHash, DDThresholdTag, QSTreeSet, QSTreeSet, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDRepairObjReq
Constucts a DDRepairObjReq from specified parameters.
DDRepairObjResp - class dd.api.DDRepairObjResp.
DDRepairObjResp is a response sent from a server to a root directory node acknowledging that the server received the DDRepairObjReq and will repair the object.
DDRepairObjResp(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDRepairObjResp
Constructs a DDRepairObjResp from its serialized form.
DDRepairObjResp(SecureHash, SecureHash, DDThresholdTag, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDRepairObjResp
Constucts a DDRepairObjResp from specified parameters.
DDRouteMsg - class dd.api.DDRouteMsg.
Messages sent from one machine to any other.
DDRouteMsg() - Constructor for class dd.api.DDRouteMsg
Empty constructor.
DDRouteMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDRouteMsg
Constructs a DDRouteMsg from its serialized form.
DDRouteMsg(SecureHash, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDRouteMsg
Constructor: Creates a new DDRouteMsg.
DDTag - interface dd.api.DDTag.
A wrapper interface for the tags associated with each object pointer stored by DD.
DDThresholdTag - class dd.api.DDThresholdTag.
DDThresholdTag is an extension of DDTag that defines a low_watermark (i.e.
DDThresholdTag(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDThresholdTag
Constructs a DDThresholdTag from its serialized form.
DDThresholdTag(short) - Constructor for class dd.api.DDThresholdTag
Constructor: Creates a new DDThresholdTag with given low_watermark.
deadline - Variable in class dd.host.api.HostInfo
deadline time (in us) that we should receive a heartbeat from src node.
del - Variable in class dd.db.StorageManager.GetByGuidCont
delete_recycling_item_at_cursor(Cursor) - Method in class dd.db.StorageManager
Used for the same purpose as cursor.delete (), but for cursors that weren't openned in a transaction.
demo.dynamic - package demo.dynamic
demo.helloworld.step1.api - package demo.helloworld.step1.api
demo.helloworld.step1.impl - package demo.helloworld.step1.impl
demo.helloworld.step2.api - package demo.helloworld.step2.api
demo.helloworld.step2.impl - package demo.helloworld.step2.impl
demo.helloworld.step3.api - package demo.helloworld.step3.api
demo.helloworld.step3.impl - package demo.helloworld.step3.impl
demo.howto - package demo.howto
demo.repair - package demo.repair
demo.repairmonitor - package demo.repairmonitor
dest - Variable in class dd.api.DDLocateFailure
The nodeGuid of the requestor.
dest - Variable in class dd.host.impl.HostHbStage.HostDbResp
identifier of the src and dest.
dest - Variable in class dd.host.impl.HostHbStage.HostDbReq
identifier of the src and dest.
dest - Variable in class dd.kbr.api.KbrRouteUpcall
Unique identifier of src and dest node.
dest - Variable in class dd.kbr.api.KbrRouteInit
Unique identifier of destination node.
dest - Variable in class dd.kbr.api.KbrRouteDeliver
Unique identifier of src and dest node.
dest - Variable in class dd.kbr.api.KbrRouteContinue
Unique identifier of src and dest node.
dest - Variable in class demo.repair.RepairDirectoryTest2.DisseminateResp
dest - Variable in class demo.repair.RepairDirectoryTest2.DisseminateReq
destroy() - Method in class dd.db.StorageManager
destroy() - Method in class demo.repairmonitor.FaultSimulationStage
Specified by seda.sandStorm.api.EventHandlerIF
destroy() - Method in class demo.repairmonitor.RepairMonitorStage
Specified by seda.sandStorm.api.EventHandlerIF
DhtGetReq - class dd.dht.api.DhtGetReq.
DhtGetReq (local) request to retrieve all the objects with the specified identifier.
DhtGetReq(SecureHash[], boolean[], long, Object, SinkIF) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtGetReq
Constructor: Creates a new DhtGetReq.
DhtGetReq(SecureHash, boolean, long, Object, SinkIF) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtGetReq
Constructor: Creates a new DhtGetReq.
DhtGetResp - class dd.dht.api.DhtGetResp.
DhtGetResp returns the objects requested from the DHT by the preceding DhtGetReq.
DhtGetResp(SecureHash[], LinkedList[], boolean[], long, Object) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtGetResp
Constructor: Creates a new DhtGetResp.
DhtGetResp(SecureHash, LinkedList, boolean, long, Object) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtGetResp
Constructor: Creates a new DhtGetReq.
DhtIteratorNextReq - class dd.dht.api.DhtIteratorNextReq.
DhtIteratorNextReq requests the next set of objects of an iteration from DHT.
DhtIteratorNextReq(Object, long, Object, SinkIF) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtIteratorNextReq
Constructor: Creates a new DhtIteratorNextReq.
DhtIteratorNextResp - class dd.dht.api.DhtIteratorNextResp.
DhtIteratorNextResp returns the next block of objects of an iteration from the DHT as requested by a preceding DhtIteratorNextReq or a DhtIteratorStartReq.
DhtIteratorNextResp(SecureHash[], LinkedList[], boolean, Object, long, Object) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtIteratorNextResp
Constructor: Creates a new DhtIteratorNextResp.
DhtIteratorStartReq - class dd.dht.api.DhtIteratorStartReq.
DhtIteratorStartReq requests the start of an iteration over the DHT root (or nonroot) set.
DhtIteratorStartReq(int, SecureHash, boolean, long, Object, SinkIF) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtIteratorStartReq
Constructor: Creates a new DhtIteratorStartReq.
DhtIteratorStopMsg - class dd.dht.api.DhtIteratorStopMsg.
DhtIteratorStopMsg requests the stop of an iteration over the objects maintained by the DHT.
DhtIteratorStopMsg(Object) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtIteratorStopMsg
Constructor: Creates a new DhtIteratorStopMsg.
DhtPutReq - class dd.dht.api.DhtPutReq.
DhtPutReq (local) event requesting that the DHT maintain the array of objects identified by their objguid.
DhtPutReq(SecureHash[], PublishInfo[], boolean[], long, Object, SinkIF) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtPutReq
Constructor: Creates a new DhtPutReq.
DhtPutReq(SecureHash, PublishInfo, boolean, long, Object, SinkIF) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtPutReq
Constructor: Creates a new DhtPutReq.
DhtPutResp - class dd.dht.api.DhtPutResp.
DhtPutResp is the event returned in response to a DhtPutReq indicating the success of each individual store request.
DhtPutResp(SecureHash[], boolean[], long, Object) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtPutResp
Constructor: Creates a new DhtPutResp.
DhtPutResp(SecureHash, boolean, long, Object) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtPutResp
Constructor: Creates a new DhtPutResp.
DhtRemoveReq - class dd.dht.api.DhtRemoveReq.
DhtRemoveReq instructs the DHT to remove the object for given guid / PublishInfo pair.
DhtRemoveReq(SecureHash[], PublishInfo[], boolean[], long, Object, SinkIF) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtRemoveReq
Constructor: Creates a new DhtRemoveReq.
DhtRemoveReq(SecureHash, PublishInfo, boolean, long, Object, SinkIF) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtRemoveReq
Constructor: Creates a new DhtPutReq.
DhtRemoveResp - class dd.dht.api.DhtRemoveResp.
DhtRemoveResp is the event returned in response to a DhtPutReq indicating the success of each individual store request.
DhtRemoveResp(SecureHash[], boolean[], long, Object) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtRemoveResp
Constructor: Creates a new DhtRemoveResp.
DhtRemoveResp(SecureHash, boolean, long, Object) - Constructor for class dd.dht.api.DhtRemoveResp
Constructor: Creates a new DhtRemoveResp.
DIGIT_VALUES - Variable in class dd.www.WebInterface
digit_values() - Static method in class dd.kbr.api.RoutingTable
digit_values return the number of possible distinct values for each digit.
digits_per_guid() - Static method in class dd.kbr.api.RoutingTable
digits_per_guid returns the number of digits in each identifier.
digits_to_guid(int[]) - Static method in class dd.kbr.api.RoutingTable
digits_to_guid converts an identifier from digits form to guid form where guid is an abstract representation of a SecureHash.
digitValues - Variable in class dd.kbr.api.KbrAppRegResp
The base of the node_guid (e.g. for hex, use 16).
DirectMail - class dd.directmail.api.DirectMail.
DirectMail is mail (i.e.
DirectMail(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.api.DirectMail
Constructs a DirectMail from its serialized form.
DirectMail(SecureHash, int, long) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.api.DirectMail
Constucts a data-driven server hb message from specified parameters.
DirectMailAckMsg - class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailAckMsg.
DirectMailAckMsg is a message sent out and forwarded by the DirectMailStage as a type of multicast msg that will efficiently deliver the msg to all the nodes in the system.
DirectMailAckMsg(DirectMailMsg) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailAckMsg
Constucts a direct mail ack from specified parameters.
DirectMailAckMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailAckMsg
Constructs a DirectMailAckMsg from its serialized form.
DirectMailAckMsg(NodeId, int, SecureHash) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailAckMsg
Constucts a direct mail ack from specified parameters.
DirectMailAckMsg(NodeId, SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailAckMsg
Constucts a direct mail ack from specified parameters.
DirectMailMsg - class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailMsg.
DirectMailMsg is a message sent out and forwarded by the DirectMailStage as a type of multicast msg that will efficiently deliver the msg to all the nodes in the system.
DirectMailMsg(DirectMail, NodeId, SecureHash, int, int, QSVector, long) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailMsg
Constucts a data-driven server hb message from specified parameters.
DirectMailMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailMsg
Constructs a DirectMailMsg from its serialized form.
DirectMailNackMsg - class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailNackMsg.
DirectMailNackMsg is a negative acknowledgment response to a DirectMailMsg.
DirectMailNackMsg(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailNackMsg
Constructs a DirectMailNackMsg from its serialized form.
DirectMailNackMsg(NodeId, int, SecureHash) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailNackMsg
Constucts a data-driven server hb message from specified parameters.
DirectMailStage - class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailStage.
DirectMail is mail (i.e.
DirectMailStage.CheckXactCacheMsg - class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailStage.CheckXactCacheMsg.
A msg that triggers the xactCache to be cleaned.
DirectMailStage.CheckXactCacheMsg() - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailStage.CheckXactCacheMsg
DirectMailStage.NextHopState - class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailStage.NextHopState.
Class to hold next hop state.
DirectMailStage.NextHopState(DirectMailMsg) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailStage.NextHopState
DirectMailStage.XactKey - class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailStage.XactKey.
A msg that triggers the xactCache to be cleaned.
DirectMailStage.XactKey(SecureHash, int) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailStage.XactKey
DirectMailStage() - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailStage
Constructor: Creates a new DirectMailStage.
DirectMailTester - class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailTester.
DirectMailTester test the correctness constraints of the DirectMailStage.
DirectMailTester.DoneTestDirectMail - class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailTester.DoneTestDirectMail.
Done Test mail .
DirectMailTester.DoneTestDirectMail(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailTester.DoneTestDirectMail
DirectMailTester.DoneTestDirectMail(SecureHash, NodeId, int, long) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailTester.DoneTestDirectMail
DirectMailTester.TestDirectMail - class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailTester.TestDirectMail.
Test mail .
DirectMailTester.TestDirectMail(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailTester.TestDirectMail
DirectMailTester.TestDirectMail(SecureHash, NodeId, int, long) - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailTester.TestDirectMail
DirectMailTester() - Constructor for class dd.directmail.impl.DirectMailTester
Constructor: Creates a new DirectMailStage.
DisseminationSetCreatorTag - class dd.dissemination.DisseminationSetCreatorTag.
DisseminationSetCreatorTag is the DDTag for the SetCreator.
DisseminationSetCreatorTag() - Constructor for class dd.dissemination.DisseminationSetCreatorTag
Constructor: Creates a new DisseminationSetCreatorTag.
DisseminationSetCreatorTag(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.dissemination.DisseminationSetCreatorTag
Constructs a DisseminationSetCreatorTag from its serialized form.
DisseminationSetPredicate - class dd.dissemination.DisseminationSetPredicate.
DisseminationSetPredicate is used to specify the constraints that the dissemination set must satisfy.
DisseminationSetPredicate(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class dd.dissemination.DisseminationSetPredicate
Constructs a DisseminationSetPredicate from its serialized form.
DisseminationSetPredicate(int, double, long, byte, byte, byte, byte, HostAppFilter) - Constructor for class dd.dissemination.DisseminationSetPredicate
Construct according to the given fields.
DisseminationSetPredicate(int, int, double, long, byte, byte, byte, byte, HostAppFilter) - Constructor for class dd.dissemination.DisseminationSetPredicate
Construct according to the given fields.
disseminationSets - Variable in class dd.dissemination.RequestDisseminationSetResponseMsg
distance - Variable in class dd.ptr.api.PublishInfo
The distance in ms to this replica's location
do_get_by_guid(HashStorageManager.GBGCont, SinkIF, Object) - Method in class dd.db.HashStorageManager
do_get_by_time(HashStorageManager.GBTCont, SinkIF, Object) - Method in class dd.db.HashStorageManager
do_iterate_by_guid(HashStorageManager.IBGCont, SinkIF, Object) - Method in class dd.db.HashStorageManager
doAppend(LoggingEvent) - Method in class dd.www.WebAppender
domain_guess - Variable in class dd.host.impl.LocationStage.LocationInfo
domain_type_code - Variable in class dd.host.impl.LocationStage.LocationInfo
domainId - Variable in class dd.host.api.HostInfo
domainId is the last eight bytes of the hash of the domain_guess.
dumpRevpointers(Map, int) - Method in class dd.host.impl.HostHbStage
dumpRevpointers prints the specified level of the reverse pointers to standard error.

A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _