Package tapestry.ptr.impl.dht

Class Summary
DhtGetReq DhtGetReq (local) request to retrieve all the objects with the specified identifier.
DhtGetResp DhtGetResp returns the objects requested from the DHT by the preceding DhtGetReq.
DhtIteratorNextReq DhtIteratorNextReq requests the next set of objects of an iteration from DHT.
DhtIteratorNextResp DhtIteratorNextResp returns the next block of objects of an iteration from the DHT as requested by a preceding DhtIteratorNextReq or a DhtIteratorStartReq.
DhtIteratorStartReq DhtIteratorStartReq requests the start of an iteration over the DHT root (or nonroot) set.
DhtIteratorStopMsg DhtIteratorStopMsg requests the stop of an iteration over the objects maintained by the DHT.
DhtPutReq DhtPutReq (local) event requesting that the DHT maintain the array of objects identified by their objguid.
DhtPutResp DhtPutResp is the event returned in response to a DhtPutReq indicating the success of each individual store request.
DhtRemoveReq DhtRemoveReq instructs the DHT to remove the object for given guid / PublishInfo pair.
DhtRemoveResp DhtRemoveResp is the event returned in response to a DhtPutReq indicating the success of each individual store request.
DhtReq DhtReq is an abstract class for all DHT request.
DhtResp DhtResp is an abstract class for all DHT response.