Class Classifier.SlowLink

Enclosing class:

public class Classifier.SlowLink
extends Object

Records information used to delay events sent from one named stage to another.

Field Summary
 long delay
          The number of milliseconds to delay messages on this link.
 String receiver
          The name of the receiving stage
 String sender
          The name of the sending stage
 SinkIF sink
          The SinkIF for the receiver TODO: allow more than one sink?
 Thread thread
          The Thread object for the sender TODO: allow more than one thread per stage?
 Classifier.TimerCB timer
          A timer interface for sink.
Constructor Summary
Classifier.SlowLink(String sender, String receiver, long delay)
          Creates a new SlowLink.
Method Summary
 void enqueue(QueueElementIF event)
          Place the event on the receiver's sink in delay milliseconds.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public String sender
The name of the sending stage


public String receiver
The name of the receiving stage


public long delay
The number of milliseconds to delay messages on this link.


public Thread thread
The Thread object for the sender TODO: allow more than one thread per stage?


public SinkIF sink
The SinkIF for the receiver TODO: allow more than one sink?


public Classifier.TimerCB timer
A timer interface for sink.

Constructor Detail


public Classifier.SlowLink(String sender,
                           String receiver,
                           long delay)
                    throws NoSuchStageException
Creates a new SlowLink.

Method Detail


public void enqueue(QueueElementIF event)
Place the event on the receiver's sink in delay milliseconds.