Class DDLocateFailure

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, QueueElementIF, QuickSerializable

public class DDLocateFailure
extends NetworkMessage
implements QuickSerializable

An event which indicates that a DDLocateMsg was not successful. In other words, that the DDLocateMsg made its way all the way root without getting a positive query result.

NOTE: This event should be treated in much the same way as a DNS lookup failure. It does not necessary indicate that the query shouldn't have succeeded, only that it didn't. For instance, an intermediate node between the query source and the root could well cause such a failure, perhaps maliciously. Use with caution; you have been warned.

$Id: DDLocateFailure.java,v 1.4 2004/05/02 16:31:27 hweather Exp $
Ben Y. Zhao

Field Summary
 SecureHash dest
          The nodeGuid of the requestor.
 int hopCount
          Number of hops taken by the message on its way to the application.
 SecureHash id
          The hash of the original request.
 SecureHash obj_guid
          The object guid that failed to resolve.
 SecureHash root
          The node guid where the request was determined to have failed.
 DDQueryState state
          The latest state used by the query when the locate request failed.
Fields inherited from class ostore.network.NetworkMessage
comp_q, est_rtt_ms, inbound, peer, sender, tries, user_data, wait_ms
Constructor Summary
DDLocateFailure(InputBuffer buffer)
          Constructs a DDLocateFailure from its serialized form.
DDLocateFailure(SecureHash root, SecureHash dest, SecureHash id, SecureHash obj_guid, NodeId req, int hop, DDQueryState state)
          Constructor: Creates a new DDLocateFailure.
Method Summary
 void serialize(OutputBuffer buffer)
          Specified by ostore.util.QuickSerializable
 String toString()
          Specified by java.lang.Object
Methods inherited from class ostore.network.NetworkMessage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public SecureHash id
The hash of the original request. Used to distinquish this request.


public SecureHash root
The node guid where the request was determined to have failed. Should be the dynamically mapped root of the object ID originally requested for.


public SecureHash dest
The nodeGuid of the requestor.


public SecureHash obj_guid
The object guid that failed to resolve.


public int hopCount
Number of hops taken by the message on its way to the application.


public DDQueryState state
The latest state used by the query when the locate request failed.

Constructor Detail


public DDLocateFailure(SecureHash root,
                       SecureHash dest,
                       SecureHash id,
                       SecureHash obj_guid,
                       NodeId req,
                       int hop,
                       DDQueryState state)
Constructor: Creates a new DDLocateFailure.


public DDLocateFailure(InputBuffer buffer)
                throws QSException
Constructs a DDLocateFailure from its serialized form.

buffer - serialized form of object.
Method Detail


public void serialize(OutputBuffer buffer)
Specified by ostore.util.QuickSerializable

Specified by:
serialize in interface QuickSerializable
serialize in class NetworkMessage


public String toString()
Specified by java.lang.Object

toString in class NetworkMessage